Gallery news


Sell your canvas prints

At the present moment there is an opportunity to sell uniquely designed prints on canvas at the gallery. The idea was born when we noticed the polygraphic options of the gallery itself, as well as after getting quite a lot of orders for copies of the pictures that were already sold.
In many cases the creation of a copy of... an artwork is practically impossible (see, for example, the Abstractionist section). A lot of such artworks are in the status of «sold» or «not for sale». The new opportunity will help you to implement your intellectual right for your work. If in the process of selling work no special agreement about the transfer of intellectual rights to the customer has been signed, all intellectual rights, particularly «the right to sell the image» will still belong to the artist.
The opportunity to sell a print on canvas is also possible for artwork in the «for sale» status.
When uploading the image, the system can offer all available options of prints that can be printed for the uploading image. The artist sets the price for the image and the number of prints. For the artwork that has already been uploaded you can also use the option of selling a print on canvas. All you need to do is go to the section «Edit» located under each published artwork and find the phrase:
Would you like to sell  print on canvas for this work?
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Added: December 04 2013

You can easily change the position of artworks in your gallery.

Now there is a button “painting arrangement” in the section “Gallery”. Just push it and you will be able to make changes in the location of your art pieces.
Added: July 05 2013

Now it is possible to add parts of artworks

Dear friends! From today there is a new option we can use: to upload not only the entire piece of art, but also its part in a larger scale. Now viewers will be able to see the latent tricks of an artist, strokes, texture and more;)
This feature is in the section “Edit” under the every artwork in your galleries.
Added: June 21 2013

Let us make news together

Dear artists! Now there is a button “Add news” in a section “Gallery” of personal accounts. You can fulfill a column of news with information about exhibitions and art events that are important for you or your friends.
Added: April 17 2013

Thank you!

Dear artists and members! Thank you a lot for your comments and complaints we receive from you regularly. Some problems have been already fixed and some suggestions have been already realized and now work successfully. We are going to add a “book of complaints and suggestions” as a blog, and there we will be glad to receive all the suggestions and... comments about our website. As a feedback we will report what has been done or why we can not embody your suggestion. Thank you for your help! read more
Added: December 23 2012

Live help

Live help for all members has begun to work. It can be found in a section “Contacts”. If you have any questions about a personal account, registration, authorization or anything else, please, contact to our support team directly using our live help. We do not promise to be on-line 24 hours a day, but we will do our best.
Added: December 14 2012

An opportunity to exchange messages

Dear Customers! Now you can exchange messages between all registered participants (artists, viewers, customers). In your personal account, a new "Messages" tab, and in each user's profile button "send a message"
Added: December 10 2012



EKATERINBURG. At the residence of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk region took place the presentation of the exhibition of Dmitry Vasiliev, "Keeping traditions". The author, a contemporary artist, a bright representative of Russian school of realistic painting.

"When selecting exposures, we strive to follow the highest standards and above all to glorify the land of the Urals. Therefore, it often presents... works or otherwise associated with the Sverdlovsk region and the Urals. At the Governor's residence are very many guests, including foreign delegations, and of course, it's great that they see such work", - said the first Deputy head of the office of the Governor and government of Sverdlovsk region Vadim Dubichev.

One of the directions of creative activity of the author was landscape painting. Among those represented in the exhibition of the works draw attention to the scenery, telling of the Ural nature and operate from the shores of lake Ladoga, made in the Petersburg period the artist's life. In recent times, an important place in the oeuvre of Dmitry Vasiliev is a natural explanation of the Ural region. In addition, the author is one of the few who addresses his painting to the portrait genre, narrating about hard destiny of ordinary Russian workers. Also in the artist deserves interest the genre of still life.

"I want to stress that Dmitry Vasilyev, a graduate of the art schools of Kamensk-Uralsky and Sverdlovsk art College named. I. D. Shadr and the St. Petersburg Academy of arts. That is a wonderful professional Foundation that was laid during training talented young man, allow you today to create such works. It affects a variety of genres and, of course, it is particularly gratifying to see everything connected with his native region, the Sverdlovsk region - the beauty of our harsh land is reflected in these remarkable works," - said the Minister of culture of the Sverdlovsk region Svetlana Uchaikina.

Note that the total number of exhibitions, which were attended by Dmitry Vasilyev, has exceeded 50. The artist's paintings are in private collections in Germany, France, USA, China, New Zealand, and also in the private collection of the Duke of Saxony, Prince Michael and the funds of the Sverdlovsk regional local history Museum. O. E. Clair, Nizhny Tagil Museum of fine arts, Irbit state Museum of fine arts.
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Added: 19.02.2020
Author: Vasil'ev Dmitriy Yur'evich

Gallery 'Moon '. presents the solo exhibition 'the shadow of the sun' artist Konstantin Kansky

Friends, I invite all of you to my personal exhibition in gallery MOON! Location Nizhni Novgorod, street Zvezdinka, h. 10 B.
Added: 27.11.2019
Author: Kanskiy Konstantin Nikolaevich

We invite you to the opening of the exhibition 'Before visiting the labyrinth of life'

All of us in life decisions, thoughtful and thoughtless, those who subsequently deem true or false, but they will affect our future. Exhibition of paintings by Victoria Belova combines works of different years, the best works over a 10 year career. All the paintings of Victoria, like pieces of a kaleidoscope of human lives that allow us to look into... the personal vision of the author, urging us to think and make their own value judgments.
Belova Victoria was born in 1984 in Leningrad. In his work the author refers to quite different genres and themes, deftly combining classicism and the avant-garde, abstract techniques and realism. However, the leading course for Victoria is symbolism that allows the artist to clothe the idea in a form. In his paintings of Victoria examines the trends of our time, the nature of reality, to understand the essence of things and to share their experiences. Each piece for Victoria is a revelation, philosophical reflection of the artist's view on the realities of today.
Expressive and memorable images will not leave indifferent lovers of contemporary art.
At the exhibition You can not only to see the work, but also to see the short essay of Victoria, dedicated to each picture separately.
The opening will take place on 15 June at 16:00. The exhibition will be held from 15 to 30 June 2019.
While working gallery 'colors of life':
12:00 – 20:00
+7 (921) 9401297
Our address: St. Petersburg, Bolshoy prospect Petrogradskaya side, 7/4 (6-minute walk from Sportivnaya metro station).
Admission is free.
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Added: 10.06.2019
Author: Belova Viktoriya Viktorovna

The excursus in the life of Valery Stratovich

Valery Stratovich well known to the citizens not only as a talented multi-genre artist .Irrepressible people. A restless character. His soul never stays in one place. She's traveling. And as a result are born not only paintings, but entire creative projects. -- I was born in Krasnodar Krai, North Caucasus, - says Valery Stratovich. -- Between Maykop and Armavir is... a small town Labinsk foot of the Caucasus mountains by the river Elbe. Once on the site of the present town in the valley of the river Elbe, the don Cossacks founded the stanitsa Labinskaya, and in 1947 the settlement was granted town status and was renamed Labinsk. -- At the age of 17 went to Vitebsk. The second time he entered the Vitebsk pedagogical Institute on art-graphic branch. Remember, all the money spent on art books. Went to St. Petersburg, Riga, Moscow for them, we simply did not have. Then the distribution was in Grodno. And this city picked itself – somehow came here for 2 days and fell in love. Grodno very much, and I decided to move here. Of friends did. However, the model gave the phone to her lover...
- And you stopped at lover's modeling?
- Yes, he done took me. And I'm a week he camped out. But then again suitcase mood – the army. Then were all, nobody was making excuses. From the army came home on leave he married, because the girl really liked... came Back from the army, and for 30 years living and working in Grenoble.
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Added: 25.03.2019
Author: Stratovich Valeriy

sings enthusiastically palette

Friends, I invite You to my personal exhibition in the gallery snui
at Moscow, Pokrovka str., 1/13/6с2 (entrance to the arch from the Armenian lane)
from the Underground China town on the street Maroseyka, after the Belarusian Embassy, turn left at the Armenian lane, about 10 meters away, right in the arch....
open from 11.00 to 20.00, except Monday to 10.02.18 G.
tel:... 8 495 6283810, 8 926 9984873 read more
Added: 23.01.2018
Author: Berdyshev Igor' Zagrievich

Exhibition and sale of paintings Vlam 'Paintings in the house of Love'

Currently ongoing Exhibition and sale of paintings Vlam 'Paintings in the house of Love'.
Address: Russia, Moscow, Dmitrovskoe shosse,161 B, YAC EMPIRE (metro station "Altufevo")
Working time: from 10: 00 to 21: 00, every day. Admission is free.

8 (495) 123-40-40
The term of the exhibition: From 20апреля2017г– present. time
Added: 17.10.2017
Author: Fedorova Tat'yana Vladimirovna

Mosaics for the chapel of St. Barbara Martyr town of Gus-Khrustalny.

Saint Barbara the great Martyr - patron of the city of Gus-Khrustalny. On the site of the apparition of the Holy erected a temple - chapel of St. Barbara the great Martyr. A quiet, picturesque area on the outskirts of Gus - Khrustalny next to beautiful pine forest is one of the favorite places of the townspeople. The Abbot of... the temple - chapel of father Alexander ( Mikheev ), as a caring owner, puts not enough efforts for the improvement of the garden around the building of the temple, and on the decoration of interior and external view of the chapel. By order of the rector I've performed the 8 mosaic icons (for two and a half years from 2014 to 2016) : "the Almighty", "God-Loving", "SV. John The Baptist, St. Barbara", "SV. Catherine", "St. Paraskeva, St. Elisabeth A", "SV. Tatiana", which was installed in the pediment Dormer Windows on the roof of the building. During the work on the sketches a lot of time and effort was spent by me in search of suitable icons of saints. Father Alexander was a customer with an outstanding artistic concepts and taste, so to please him, I took more effort in plastic reinterpretation of images and the creation of monumental - decorative works, mosaic icons. read more
Added: 19.03.2017
Author: Karpenko Aleksandr Mihaylovich

Upcoming Events

I will be participating in the May Open Studios Art Show at Wimbledon Art Studios running from 11-14 May 2017. As well as this I will be exhibiting several paintings in digital format at The Amsterdam International Art Fair (25-26 August 2017) and Art San Diego (2-5 November 2017).
Added: 02.03.2017
Author: Midgen Jacqueline

Mosaic Temple chapel of St. Barbara the great Martyr.

Saint Barbara the great Martyr - patron of the city of Gus – Khrustalny. On the site of the apparition of the Holy erected a temple - chapel of St. Barbara the great Martyr. A quiet, picturesque area on the outskirts of Gus - Khrustalny next to beautiful pine forest is one of the favorite places of the townspeople. The... Abbot of the temple - chapel of father Alexander ( Mikheev ), as a caring owner, puts not enough efforts for the improvement of the garden around the building of the temple, and on the decoration of interior and external view of the chapel. By order of the rector I've performed the 8 mosaic icons (for two and a half years from 2014 to 2016) : "the Almighty", "God-Loving", "SV. John The Baptist, St. Barbara", "SV. Catherine", "St. Paraskeva, St. Elisabeth A", "SV. Tatiana", which was installed in the pediment Dormer Windows on the roof of the building. During the work on the sketches a lot of time and effort was spent by me in search of suitable icons of saints. Father Alexander was a customer with an outstanding artistic concepts and taste, so more effort it took me in plastic reinterpretation of images and the creation of monumental and decorative works, mosaic icons. read more
Added: 15.02.2017
Author: Karpenko Aleksandr Mihaylovich

Training in intuitive painting, Art therapy, workshops, individual and collective.

Painting is easy! Every visitor of the master class can write his author's picture in one session.

The lesson is interesting, everyone is enjoying work, even if you have never painted. This session of Art therapy and intuitive painting. The method right brain creativity in the style of abstraction that allows everyone to become an artist, to reveal his potential, which... he didn't even know existed.

The advantages of our training:
The duration of the master class 3-6 hours.
Each guest at the end of class gets their own unique picture.
All materials are included in the cost, that is, we provide the materials for our oil paints, brushes, palette knife, thinner, varnish, etc.. high Quality canvas on stretcher, on which the painting you take home.
Master class allows you not only to learn the secrets of skill, but also to save on the finished product.
There are forms of individual and collective.
From 6 persons we organize a master class in your city (for groups from Moldova). For residents of Russia and of Europe group of 15 people.
For the organizers of the workshops have special offers.

read more on a personal site of Anastasia Rakovinoy:
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Added: 07.09.2016
Author: Anastasia Racovcena

'My artistic feeling'

My artistic feeling is a steady stream of intuitive thinking, a 'continuous sound message that comes from my heart and turns into colour.
'My thoughts on the canvas', that's the way I like to call my works,since they are endless posts of cosmic connection to me, sometimes decipherable in frequencies that I represent as horizontal coloured bands, sometimes interrupted, sometimes continuous... colour sequences intended as musical scores. In the act of creating I can feel my heart to the full: the gift of 'Joy', which seems to widen the diaphragm so as to make me feel a little spark of light in a world of lights ready to brighten up the infinite.
Every day I am grateful for such a feeling, a kind of awakening of the senses that allows me, by means of a greater creativity, to tap into the frequencies of the sublime 'Universal Love”.
Mankind is going through such a controversial time of transition, since we are moving from a world many to an infinitely more spiritual one.
When the observer looks at my work, he can be captured by colours, or simply distressed by the forms, but someone else may get such universal messages of the new Era.
So often I hear about negative reviews on abstract art as for figuration,and the most frequent opinion is: “I am not keen on it”. To me abstract art is the most effective tool to read deep in the soul of a human being, and when talking about a human being I obviously do not refer to the painter himself , but to the viewer who stands before work and peers.
Abstract art means that to me, since it is the real mirror of the soul, making the viewer look inside his soul and later tell us about himself through his personal view on the work.

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Added: 03.08.2016
Author: Feofeo -

'My artistic feeling'

My artistic feeling is a steady stream of intuitive thinking, a 'continuous sound message that comes from my heart and turns into colour.
'My thoughts on the canvas', that's the way I like to call my works,since they are endless posts of cosmic connection to me, sometimes decipherable in frequencies that I represent as horizontal coloured bands, sometimes interrupted, sometimes continuous... colour sequences intended as musical scores. In the act of creating I can feel my heart to the full: the gift of 'Joy', which seems to widen the diaphragm so as to make me feel a little spark of light in a world of lights ready to brighten up the infinite.
Every day I am grateful for such a feeling, a kind of awakening of the senses that allows me, by means of a greater creativity, to tap into the frequencies of the sublime 'Universal Love”.
Mankind is going through such a controversial time of transition, since we are moving from a world many to an infinitely more spiritual one.
When the observer looks at my work, he can be captured by colours, or simply distressed by the forms, but someone else may get such universal messages of the new Era.
So often I hear about negative reviews on abstract art as for figuration,and the most frequent opinion is: “I am not keen on it”. To me abstract art is the most effective tool to read deep in the soul of a human being, and when talking about a human being I obviously do not refer to the painter himself , but to the viewer who stands before work and peers.
Abstract art means that to me, since it is the real mirror of the soul, making the viewer look inside his soul and later tell us about himself through his personal view on the work.

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Added: 03.08.2016
Author: Feofeo -

The opening of a personal exhibition of Irina Chucky in the city of Nikolaev( Nikolskaya 24). 'My creative world'.

The opening of a personal exhibition of Irina Chucky in the city of Nikolaev( Nikolskaya 24) Art-hall of the Nikolaev University. V. A. Sukhomlinsky. 'My creative world'. Opening on 20 April at 16.00 to Act the exhibition will be on may 25.
Added: 15.04.2016
Author: Chaika Irina

On a rainy spring day let us remember the summer! France, Provence - Cassis!

On a rainy spring day let us remember the summer! France, Provence - Cassis!
Added: 08.04.2016
Author: Groo Olga

good day. I want to bring to your attention dear friends new work.

beginning of a new series of my works
Added: 18.10.2015
Author: Artemov Artem Vladimirovich

Buy Art Fair Manchester (UK) 25,26&27 September 2015

Lita will be exhibiting her new and previously unseen paintings at this the largest art fair in the north west of England.

The exhibition is being held at the Old Granada Studios, Quay Street, Manchester on 25th, 26th and 27th September 2015.

Tickets are free to download at
Added: 02.09.2015
Author: Narayan Lita

Invitation to life. Ilya Trofimov.

'Painting the Mary Daugaviete known to visitors of exhibitions in Moscow since the late 70s. It is without a doubt fraught with discovery and fun not only as a model of style, but also as a collection of ideas as a whole artistic phenomenon. Mar Daugaviete is in the Prime of his creative activity. Created by her to date, so... great, variety and richness that cannot be captured by a single glance. It will take a lot of pages of serious text to describe and systematize such a significant and profound material.

But in addition to the many possible approaches – from what lies on the surface – the whole body of the works of Mary can and should be addressed as a diary. "Diary," written in paint, oil on canvas. It includes not pages, but hundreds of wonderful sketches, landscapes, still lifes, portraits and multi-figured compositions of symbolic meaning.
Symbolism of painting Mary Daugaviete not realized at once, or rather, did not immediately formulated and quickly clothed in words. Most likely, this is due to the peculiarity of the letter, which ease their misleading: not a game?

Definitely a game, but a game that requires "it", and Yes from all participants marginal return. If the game is life, what fool is not serious.

In a sense, Mara shifted his personal history, his real life into the language of painting, told and continues to tell the story. In this life-painting, in this beautiful diary, as recreated in that heightened reality live with mom and dad – known Moscow sculptors (Lucius Daugaviete and Vladimir Zimmerling), fellow students, and then the Polygraphic Institute graduates, teachers, boys and girls; lover, then husband, Moscow painter George Uvarov, two daughters are adults, Mara and Maya, homemade puppet theatre, black cat, carved antique sideboard as a piece of architecture that has penetrated into the interior; mountains, clouds; fine, loose and strict – eternal trees; small world items ranging from soft toys and dolls, stitched together with my daughters, and ending with the family silver, shining on canvas the real magic.

The life of Mary – always amazed me is built as a collection of objects, ready to become a part of the productions, sign in still life, to complement the portrait, get your little or significant role in challenging the action of the next picture. In the house of Mary is not "worn" items, as part of wealth or welfare, but we use them as a symbolic multi-purpose objects, participants live magic shows.

Simple Cup is here something more than ordinary household items, and a simple tea party becomes a symbolic act. I realize this is perhaps only now, remembering not rare, but frequent visits to the house of Mary. It may seem strange, but they had always been for me. Mara is able to meet so that they feel involved in something important, perhaps beyond your current understanding. In this case we are not talking about some artificial situation, the stress arising from misunderstandings or any other false premises, which fills the lives of countless people. What I felt in the house of Mary, I would call a sense of clarity and significance of ordinary human life.
In the center of her world is the artist herself, the author, as active principle, as a hero and at the same time the object of observation. Early and one of the most characteristic works of this direction — "I, the mother PAL", 55x75, oil on canvas. Mara puts himself into the core of the film, the most popular figures of characters: it is surrounded by asleep at posing people and mom, lost in thought approached close to the easel. The whole scene and action of the artist, literally wedged between the canvas and the photograph shown with a certain degree of irony, occasionally glancing in her painting. There is already fully disclosed attentive and slightly ironic view of an artist who speaks about inner freedom, and allows you to see the situation from the outside.

It should be noted that a number of themes and subjects found and formulated Mara was already in the early period of art in the late 70s – early 80s. these themes and plots she comes back almost every year, sometimes more than once. From work to work changing plastic, the set of elements appearing and disappearing characters, changing light and color. This can be explained by the fact that within the "Canon", developed plot, it is easier to explore the formal side of painting, which has always been an important task for the artist.

But gradually this repeatability and selectivity determine the imagery of painting, form the Mara as a kind, original thinker.

As it was already mentioned, in the center, re-created her world, is the artist who have active relationships with others. Own body, face, plastic, and characteristic physical features of the immediate family members who served initially convenient and accessible educational material, become one of the Central themes of painting. It's recognizable, portrait presence in the most important storylines, bodily presence, which is having variety, not always rosy aspects of life. Let's take the theme of "Pogrom", where Mara puts a Nude female figure (himself) in the center of an angry mob.

"I", "my body", "my skin", "my eyes" – this is the tool through which the artist knows the world in its most important manifestations.

A series of canvases called "Worship artist" and "Bearing gifts", develops the thought regarding the particular situation of the artist in the world. Usually, this composition represents a procession of a group of people carrying in the hands, shoulders and heads a variety of gifts – things that in some way necessary to the protagonist in his "doing", – elegant frames, flowers, dishes of fruit, vessels, apparently filled wine. The procession depicted in the moment when she directly approached and almost surrounds the painter, deep in the work, or cheering came any gesture. The painter can easily discern the features of the Mara, and the action takes place on the background of the southern nature with a characteristic silhouette pattern of pine trees, near the mountains, under the sky, which in all its glory deployed solemn masses of clouds.

A few words must be said about the landscape "scenery", which plays an important role here. Mara stunning landscape. Many of her landscapes are a kind of visual formula of a natural landscape. They are extremely showy, and their beauty is related to the artist's ability to identify structural features. The landscape is exiled all secondary, too fractional, the main focus is on the relations of masses, volumes; colour contrasts get critical.

Generalization creates the impression of quickness and certainty of the letter, and this becomes one of aesthetic effect, giving the landscapes and other works by the artist impression of clarity and completeness.

It is important, however, to emphasize that produced the "effect" is not the purpose of this painting, it is in some sense a byproduct and consequence of the careful study of nature. Only a thorough, on-stolarski, due to natural diligence by examining the shape, color relationships, the artist stops at a particular "state" of the canvas. Same here – another important feature in the landscape, and in complex multi-figure compositions, there remains an acute impression of presence, the feeling that the picture was painted from life. But at the same time is a clear understanding of what the artist has done its "liberated" from all inert, which prevents the expression of his ideas.

The range of topics developed by Mara, is very wide. To simplify the problem, it can be likened to the movement from the particular to the General, personal, personal space to the comprehension of wider phenomena, primarily affecting the identity of the man and the artist. Therefore the topic of family relationships, home circle ("family games", as the artist calls it), the theme of childhood, and not randomly theme of corporeality as widely and clearly presented in the works of Mary.

Bodily, intimate conceptualized here in a symbolic manner and at the same time seen very clear, direct gaze, avoiding as false modesty, and connotations of low order. The idea of purity and truth corporal fanned amazing warmth of family relationships. Among the most expressive and tender should be called work, in which the last moments of the lives of children. The girls are busy playing, holding dolls, reading, listening, their presence filled a void, inevitably gaping behind parents.

Understanding plastics, measure and generality in the transmission of nudity deserve special attention.

Mara is not afraid and difficult issues – old age, senility, loneliness. In the "plastic theatre" of life, as already mentioned, your own body becomes for the artist a constant source of impressions, allowing to Express a certain state: melancholy, fatigue, waiting... In the end, private nudity Mara turned into a special form of dialogue with the Creator, becomes a way of inquiring about their own fate and the destiny of man in the world.

One of the most amazing stories can be called "Lamentation of love". It is difficult to say anything without falling in the vulgarity. Through this theme through this story comes to an understanding of the magnitude of human "research", which has devoted itself Mar.

Disturbing, beautiful and almost terrible heavens continue restless dynamics of human population compositions of Mara. Clouds are included in the artist's work as a special theme, as the alter ego of the spiritual movements of the characters, but primarily as an expression of its own author's perception of the depicted events.

In this sense, internal CHS is a hallmark feature of many works of Mara. The landscape itself, the phenomena of nature as seen by the artist, often so full of content, internal dynamics, its own natural life that is able to stay without a man don't need him...

One with nature's soul first learns about his greatness. It is involved in the creation, a particle of the infinite spaces, one can understand the beauty of the plan.

Man and world appear in the paintings of Mary in Renaissance guise, they are subjected to the stately rhetoric of a Grand drama called life. The artist looks at the world through the prism of classical European art, especially painting, believing that one should not renounce the great legacy of his predecessors. To become a follower of the great, I must admit to being a student, to try to delve into their already not very clear speech. Then you will stretch the threads of relationship, the impossible happens: today will be fertilized secret knowledge of the ancients.

This boldness and ease with which Mara enters into a dialogue with the past of European art, particularly attracted to her work.

After the old masters, it clearly suggests to think the human part of the universe, the character, which has, perhaps, a small but significant role in the theater days, on the stage of life; humbly to realize that the play was written not by us, but should not shy away from participation in the show, but to participate, to make every effort so that the time allotted to us, has not passed in vain.

It is no accident that each relies Nude his cloud, each age has its joys, each of the spring flowering trees.

Ilya Trofimov.
29 may 2008'
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Added: 03.08.2015
Author: Daugaviete Mara

Two worlds Mary Daugaviete. Art Historian Yuri Gerchuk.

'This name is not one of those that are on everyone's lips. Painting of Mary Daugaviete, traditional material (canvas), restrained in its expressive means, made only to attentive, receptive, and brought up the head. We cannot say that the artist quiet voice, chamber style. However, it is not one of those who grabs the viewer by the throat (or at... least for the floors). There is no strain on ligaments, the desire to shout down anyone. No expression, overwhelming harmony, roaring color. This painting is not amazing, but looking for sympathy, ready to which is not every viewer of the current noisy exhibitions.

But I think that's the name for a long time. It's not the fireworks that odvarka in heaven, goes out, leaving instead a bluish smoke. It seems to me that it is, on the contrary, increases. Very slowly, but steadily. Her paintings have an inner fullness and dignity. Individuality is not external, not only picturesque manners, and ways to understand and experience life, to think and feel. Behind her is a strong internal system of values: aesthetic, spiritual, moral. The art of Mary — philosophical, but without philosophizing, significant, but without false monumentality and pathos.

Mar Datafile — the artist's paintings. At the heart of each of its work, large or small, is not immediate impression, not a study from nature, but a holistic view of some of life's phenomenon or problem. Her art is quite sensitive to the state of the world, society, social environment. Sensitive but are not inclined to direct, specular reflection. In rare cases, the picture responds directly to an event: 'the Pogrom in Baku' (1989). Usually the artist is able to find a visible and succinct a way of capturing the Zeitgeist. The form, of course, metaphorical, but very visual.
These are, say, several of her paintings with people sleeping inside, sleeping in public, a crowd, on the beach (1983), in which faceless Lounges... Emotionally accurate image of the whole stagnant era: sleep heavy, uncomfortable, burdened, apparently, oppressive nightmare. "The sleep of reason" — by Goya — "produces monsters". However, these monsters Mar here depicts. She delicately avoids pressure demonstrative. Monster — until then — only implied.

However, the crowd will Wake up soon and turn into a monster — headed, aggressive, dangerous. The fury of the crowd — one of the key themes of painting Mary Daugaviete. And in the picture "Expansion" (1986) before us and those who organizes and directs this rage. In the glare of the spotlight their aggressiveness already directly embodied in the allegorical figure of the monster.

"The sleep of reason" is a modern public confusion, a crisis of social values, moral and spiritual, is revealed sometimes directly, in modern stories — in the crowd of thugs, scary, filled with merchants and beggars spaces of the Moscow subways. But he often appears in the allusions, appears in the mythological images ("Uranium"), biblical ("Sodom"), gospel ("judgement of Pilate"). Losing here the crucial external, sugesto household, the topic of social insanity polycast thus universally valid, philosophically-a universal sense.

In any case, the moral vision of the artist of doubt in the viewer does not. Meanwhile, she does not put himself up as a judge over this life, somewhere down looking at her follies and disasters. She is among his characters, but here, among us, carried by the tornadoes of passion, the victim among the victims, a grain of sand among thousands. Her own slightly overact profile no-no, and will be shown in a violent crowd. If she is judging, rather than us, sees himself and white, and black ('self-Portrait with double', 1987), is not afraid to show their anxiety, mental duality, weakness.

Still, the system of this painting — the balance of closed dense-in-itself of the compositions, strict rhythm, clear plastic and generalized, firm, slightly angular figure talking about her inner strength in the world. The artistic language of the Mary Daugaviete, very focused and specific, deprived of impressionistic effects running lights, immediacy of fugitive impressions, as well as expressionistic dissociation, the hysterical outbursts of passion. Her paint is thick and seems soft, but full of inner contrasts, tensions dull-green and bluish tones to sulphur-yellow or pinkish orange. The artist builds a painting of steady States, both physical and spiritual. Behind it there is a certain tradition, interest in dense paintings of the old masters, most probably to the Northern Renaissance and maybe slightly to primitiveschema provincial Baroque.

This world is certain, strictly selected values reconciled, balanced and very personal. Last but not least is the value of his neighbor, small world: love, children, the spiritual unity of the family. His house, where everything from an early age artists. Herself Mara in eight years he painted his first majolica dishes (her mother is a famous Moscow keramida). Her two daughters enthusiastically draw, paint in watercolor. The creative atmosphere of the house was approved and the exhibitions in which they participate together: Mara, her husband, also a painter, a talented portraitist George Uvarov and both girls. It exhibits paintings, watercolor, ceramics, and hand-made toys and books for parents of children or by the children themselves. And finally family puppet theater, where they play all four. The exhibition, these are called "family games".

This small home world forms a second, no less important range of topics in painting the Mary Datafile. In it is an anchor to its stability in the midst of the seething external, universal life. From this, for all the ordinariness of the stories, notable symbolism of these chamber canvases, focused their inner significance. Important than specific subjects — children games, introspective quiet adults, but the order of life, sustainability it measured currents, the strength of family tradition.

With the monumental height allowed in the film "Epitaph" (1989) intimate topic: two naked, the artist herself and her husband, are closely woven into a peaceful sleep. Here there is a clear peace of mutual trust and warmth, amazing for a Frank story chastity.
In the other works are activated family memory, Latvian rural roots, Moscow artist, arise Patriarchal images of her farm Rodney. The theme of the memory of past generations, the spiritual communion with them, with a kind of naive obviousness is embodied in a small picture of the Graveyard feast" (1989), where a procession of people with flowers in their hands very friendly meets at the cemetery wall with a crowd dressed in the shrouds of skeletons...
Two worlds in canvas Mary Daugaviete seemingly contradict one another: dramatic, lush world of public passions and disasters and sustainable home world of family traditions, creativity and love. However, we do not separately perceptible, and we will not understand until the end. Only in the sense of the artist's work. Their delicate balance — and there is her inner theme.

Peace be to this house!'

Yuri Gerchuk.
January 1995
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Added: 03.08.2015
Author: Daugaviete Mara

'Light's vision' Vasukevich

Artist Victor vasukevich told Me, “ like the smell of oil paints turned his mind why alcoholism is a concentration camp for the soul, and God is the only reality.

I was born under the Novogrudok, the capital of the chronicle of Lithuania. My native land with energy and the scenery gave me a great and varied life, in which there... were UPS and downs. When I grew up, there lived other people, they remembered the war, he remembered his ground until the arrival of the notorious Communists.

The most important point, which has influenced all my work is the moment of my appearance in this world. I since birth realized that I need to squeak out, to yell, to get around that you popeil, fed to somewhere took to put you in the shade and in the sun. You thought and thought and worked inside. The most interesting work is pure, sincere creativity savvy baby.

I sent in my childhood visions and revelations. No matter how it sounded fantastic, but I actually saw angels in the clouds, and at night I was flying above the village and inside the house when the whole family is sleeping and I flew and saw them all yourself and sleeping.

In art brought me... the smell of oil paints. This happened in one of the periods of my life, when I worked at the car factory and lived in a hostel in a room with a colleague on the shop floor. This guy went for my birthday to a relative and bought a gift set of oil paints. Out of curiosity I opened one tube and decided to see what actually color art paint. And the smell turned my consciousness.

If to speak about “my universities”, it is worth mentioning period of employment with the company on manufacture of cars. It's a scary place of being where people kill and nerves, health, and life only in order to subsist and survive in the city. Another army was stupid (and I served in the far East) who the fuck humanity needs. But it does not. Smart people understand what the army can be a haven of peace? Then there was a period of drunkenness and vagrancy is a very joyful and fun period. If you look, I was most happy. I had no social obligations, I have not experienced any tension. I had one concern: where to drink a glass of cold wine and where would I add? In fact, this free lifestyle (for the person on the lowest rungdevelopment).

In those drunken times happened to me all sorts of stories. To drink I wanted, and I once came to one of our famous artist, I think: the Dolgans him some money. And in the Studio was not. Next door on the same floor was occupied by two workshops. And in the vestibule General stood someone mouldings for frames – new, associated. I grabbed the baguette and called another artist, saying that I bought and want to drink. And he paid me and put the baguette in the same place. I came the next day, and again, this baguette is. I rang the doorbell next to the artist and sold him the same baguette. And on the third day – the third.

Generally, alcoholism is a concentration camp for the soul. You're in the territory of the devil. What he wants in this moment, and will do to you. When you loitering amongst such a society – the homeless, drunks – you're becoming, like them, is not adequate. And actions there defy all logic, things just animalistic creatures in a drugged state. The soul is not there, degraded, destroyed, and it is the Providence of the devil to take your soul and destroy. After all, the struggle for the soul: will take your soul light or dark world – and get stronger.
Last year I suffered a heart attack. Lost consciousness for a day or two. I had visions, I was in hell. I saw the gates of hell, huge, like a blast furnace. Saw his friends, the drunks, who are no longer alive. They are there devils churned to a state of chops.

I don't consider myself a believer. I just absolutely do NOT doubt the existence of God. And God to me is a greater reality than myself, others, the world around us. This whole world is an illusion of God, it is His projection. How can we consider ourselves something more real than God, if He created all this? So God to me is the true reality, and I myself – is It a fantasy or a dream. Finally, even scientists have come to this opinion.

As for Belarusian climate, dampness depressing me. I love it only when it is a heat below 30 degrees. Because of the gloomy climate and paintings in Belarus grey. Belarusian school of painting is a “whitewash, serila and ink,” as one of the greats. That's nonsense on a global scale, local level development. Drozdovich't fall into the Belarusian school, and Malevich does not fit, and Soutine, and all the artists of the Paris school.

Belarusian artists are drawn to the space, although grew up in the swamp. Because the swamp is easy. There's a lot of clean air, and therefore the connection with the cosmos strong. And today our rulers and confused by megalomania and from the word “little” – little money, tractors, tanks – they are the lungs tear, destroy. And not only here – but in Brazil, America, Japan. And spiritual energy the relationship weakens and, eventually, get lost, and people will turn into a space virus. Or he could self-destruct, or go into another dimension, a physical condition. There is no other way, resources are not infinite. Maybe they were laid, he grew up or have lived for a certain period. Say, how did the civilization before the flood, then the planet was cleansed. And now cleansing is inevitable. Because the planet is choking on the man because he absolutely brutally cracked down on her.
How can art be called a profession? It just does knowledge not needed. If you will not reject this knowledge that you somebody learned, absorbed, like a sponge, when are you going to squeeze that sponge, it will flow from there taken from nowhere plagiarism. So everywhere does. When you come to some from our exhibitions, we see approximately the same thing, only the house stands on one side and a tree on the other. The one set of words, only the order is different. But if you can get your sponge spiritual effort to squeeze, to be purified, to become receptive to spirituality, the cosmos – only then will you be able something to give – fresh and new.

My last exhibition was called “Light-Seeing”. This means that God has already begun to open my “third eye”, the eye of the soul. Now I see the future picture on a blank canvas, as illuminated by the spotlight. Previously, I was inclined to say that you don't know what you're doing that someone moves me. But this turns out to be wrong: if God leads you, then you are still blind. So it was with me during the period of my work, which I call the “light show”: God taught me to press on all the buttons of the colors in the palette, so I worked on the whole space of the canvas, to understand the main thing – God has no chance, the cloth should work perfectly. The entire square of fabric from beginning to end should be sound. Not as in realistic art, where there are main and secondary, have meaning, and there is a second plan.

I'm not against realism in General. I am against the fact that people write the text, who wrote nature, and give it for his own. It will still be a loop, not an essay on a free topic. I also write a realistic work – landscapes and still lifes. It's the ABC that sometimes it is necessary to repeat and go back to remember how the letters are written. So realism, as the school program needed for the artist.
Previously, I was on that level of spiritual development that the mistakes of others – Leonardo, Picasso, Mozart, Bach wanted to assert themselves. But at that stage I believed, as many believe that there must be an individual, to oppose themselves to the rest, to stand out to get noticed. But if God is a unity, if he has no preference, and if you came to Him, and He opened my world, you understand that your identity out there and certainly not wanted. 'll throw you out with your personality.

I now better understand what in hell do not need this society. Because if you, due to circumstances, has moved to another level of spiritual development, then you already belong to another society – the society of unity and not a society of individualism, where each task is to seize, to snatch, to protrude. And the more it will protrude over others, the more he urvesh going to get. There in the upper world is cancelled, there is another law. There you will play the role that you, the Director will indicate, seeing from the side, what strengths you have that you can play, something for you to load, how is your spiritual level is able to withstand. You become a tool in the hands of God.

Text: Ales Sukhodolov
Photo: Nikolay Cupric
Source: I: a magazine about people and their respective fields of interest . – No. 7(6). December-January 2013/14. – Pp. 62-65.
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Added: 13.05.2015
Author: Vasyukevich Viktor Aleksandrovich

Flowers and Artist

Flowers and Artist
Famous French impressionist C. Monet said: 'the Fact that I became a painter, I owe it to flowers'. Was in the charm of the Goddess Flora, and our modern - artist Vladimir Babich. In his masterpieces dominate luxury flowers in its submission. Their coloring nanobrain, bright and special in combination with flowers. The artist, sending flowers, do not... restrain themselves in preference of funds for painting. However delivered he needs to be limited to only one subject creative incarnations. Often it is too difficult for the creative consciousness of the artist, seeking something new and unknown. However, deciding once, like 'art' has no single meaning with the meaning of the word 'temptation', the road of creativity will become narrow, and step you should use it with caution. 'Do no harm' - this statement would be good to adopt the creators of art, wielding influence on the minds and souls of people. Babich Vladimir should actually either to notify this path and your theme in your work. Pampered, charming, causing amazement and admiration for its irresistible and beauty, bouquets and flowers, they are like a tiny miracle, enchant, admiring them are born in the soul stratie and warm feelings, because there is nothing on earth more wonderful creations like flowers to be found. They can be considered as a source of pure air, and life on the planet in the absence of their unimaginable.

The style, which the artist writes, can be called , fantasies florist, represented as, murals, scenic, still life and almost abstract works created in a variety of artistic genres and performances

He writes in his paintings of flower petals, the delicate petals of a rose to the innocent petals of a Tulip, with a striking ability and unique precision. Bathed in blazing splendor, his warm paintings offer us to join them, to appreciate their beauty.

The artist, giving preference to post-impressionism, offers the viewer vpechetlyayuschie paintings with lush bouquets. This pattern is similar to mosaic, created neither in order of smalt, and three-dimensional strokes, the texture of them just itching to feel.

The undoubted preference of the artist conveys the expressive style of writing, enabling you to carry all kinds of colour and emotion, perenasyschay artist working at the time on the canvas. Of these impulsive movements appear masterpieces 'Ala prima' is released by the violence of the vivid colors and full of movement composition similar to flight. In an unreal space, these paintings blossom flowers of unearthly beauty that excite our imagination.

Artist dreaming of harmony in the universe and the universal prosperity, it is better not to find the best suited subject that for myself found the Vladimir Babich.

The title, which assigns own the works of the artist: 'Little sunshine', 'Burning passion Maki', 'Flowers of life', 'Angel flower', 'Light tenderness', 'Dance of fire' and other equally rave and zhizneradosna, like his painting itself.

Exquisite works of Vladimir Babich lift our spirit and attitude in our soul is born optimistic and love. Paintings together with his Creator give us positive energy and positive emotions .

In the world of joy and harmony, created by Vladimir, each of us, not indifferent to the beauties of nature, can find inspiration. I dare to hope, experiencing appreciation to the artist, creating the potential to experience aesthetic pleasure and happiness from communication with exquisite works.
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Added: 15.04.2015
Author: Babich Vladimir Nikolaevich

portrait of a girl.2015. size h.the work sold

Added: 02.04.2015
Author: Ripsime Ripsime

Amazing 3d Paintings.

I am Artist from Ukraine Novik Olesya. I use unique Technology of creation Pictures - Sculptures by successive imposition of Layers acrylic colors and transparent Resin.
Layer after a Layer a Picture grows while we will not get three-dimensional Image. An Image does not seem three-dimensional, it is three-dimensional and even has a Shadow.
It is possible to see an Object... in all Foreshortening like on a hologram.
The Creating of one Painting usually takes 1 - 1,5 months.
First Time in the World You can see Portrait in original Size made like this! The creation of Pharaoh Face took 3.5 months. The picture has around 90 - 95 Layers.
The Process takes so much time, because after the layer colors and then a layer of transparent resin is necessary to wait 1-2 days until the resin hardens.
Photo of Paintings done on three Sides, allowing You to see the Difference in Image when the Angle of View changes.
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Added: 02.04.2015
Author: Novik Olesya

The natural diversity of manifestations of the personality of the artist Arcadia Morozov.

Art Mihatov E. C., 2015.

Arkady frost - graphic artist, painter, member of the Union of artists of Russia, member of International Federation of artists UNESCO, honored art worker of the Republic of Karelia, a Professor at the design faculty of the Petrozavodsk branch of the International Slavic Institute, Creator of the public Graphic workshop in Petrozavodsk, a regular participant and... curator of international, regional exhibitions and competitions.
Arkady Morozov artist-visionary, tireless researcher who looks at the world with eyes wide open. In early life the way fate had played a trick on him, when at the age of six he was blown up by anti-personnel mine, but the terrible consequences of this event do not become a death sentence for the wizard. Strong-willed character and a fantastic performance, a desire not just to be, and to be the true Creator, artist, expressing himself fully defined its place in the world. Realizing at an early age his desire to study art, Arkady frost walked confidently along the chosen path. In 1968 he joined the graphics Department of the Petrozavodsk Pedagogical College №2, then continued Agranat their talent in one of the best art institutions in the country - St. Petersburg Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture named. Repin (Imperial Academy Of Arts). In 1982, the wizard returned to his native Petrozavodsk, where pretty soon established himself as an active, outstanding artist and pedagogue (among his many disciples, S. Chervinskaya, So Yufa, V. Gromov, N. Egorova, I. Fomin and others).
First of all, Arkady Morozov known to a wide circle as an unsurpassed master of easel graphics. The resistance of a material, physical effort and limitations of the technical possibilities of this art form makes it unavailable repulsive to many artists. Spectators, on the contrary, such work always attract, forced to stop and examine them in more detail. Graphic heritage Arcadia Morozova can be divided into three periods, each of which has its own Foundation, the pivot around which grow branches and crown.
The first step lies in the eighties (before 1989): in the works of this period it is worth noting the predominance of small parts, 'sash', multi-part compositions the predominance of dark colors, the presence of a pronounced storyline and narration. In the surviving prints made in the first years after graduation, with this technique ('Gorica' 1983), the influence of the Century Tabor and some stiffness.
Probably myself feeling the weakness of such work, Mr. Morozov permanently waives this material and continues to work exclusively in etching (classic etched and aquatint). In a large series 'Zaonezhye' (1982-1990), the artist develops the themes of life and life North of the village ('Slaughter' 1985, 'In the house' 1986, 'Creek' 1988), the nature of the Karelian region ('Landscape with fish' 1985, 'the House in the woods' 1986). Gradually, the wizard starts to pay more attention to the unstable transition States occurring in the soul of the individual (reflection),and in the outside world (e.g. the changing of the seasons). So towards the end of the 1980s year were created works absorbed the atmosphere of a dream, a moment of calm before a storm, the complex relationship of man and nature ('the Boy with the Apple' 1987, 'Landscape with mailbox' 1987, 'not Available eye' 1987).
The next pulse making radical changes in Arcadia Morozov appears at the turn of the 1980-90s. The prints of this period (the 1990s) there is a transition from the particular to the General, strengthening of the geometry and the role of line, texture and decisive step in the direction of his poetic reality. The themes are very broad, universal, allowing the wizard to identify the laws of life and try to determine man's place in the complex system of the universe ('concejero. Summer' 1990, 'May. Fowler' 1993). Starting from the exploration of the microcosm Century, Kandinsky and J. Miro ('Shape under the umbrella of' 1989, 'the rape of Europe' 1992), experiments of the Dadaists and Surrealists ('Bird' 1991, 'the Crucifixion' 1993), the true artist finds inspiration in rock art, ancient petroglyphs, runic inscriptions, and Oriental calligraphy('Marks 1988, 'cold water' 1991, 'Time zero' 1993).

The third period includes works created by Arkady Morozov in recent years (2014-2015) in the technique of engraving on cardboard with author revisions, and re-open linocuts. In these prints is worth noting the predominance of close-up, special scenic (thoughtful, often bold flavor combined with a pronounced texture), expressiveness and integrity first impression, focus on the rhythm of the lines and local color patches. The artist actively used outdoor color and tries to succinctly convey complex range of emotions. Here the most obvious two directions: a series of goals, where the master explores the possibilities of transmission of mood and condition of the specific individual ('Antoinette' 2014, 'the Little Prince' 2014), and man in General ('Mood' 2014, 'Male portrait' 2014, 'Face' 2014), and address the topic of original sin ('Eva-3' 2014, 'Adam and eve' 2015).
On the other hand the artistic life of Arcadia Morozov is painting and art objects, executed in the technique of assemblage. The artist is experimenting with material, size, content and creates works can reflect not only the life experiences of the individual, but also the spirit of the time. Despite the incredible variety of works, they still give some classification, which will help the viewer to understand the creative heritage of Arcadia Morozov and better understand his art.

One of the main directions in which it moves the master is an appeal to the sensual, emotional beginning, feelings and impressions from real life. The greatest attention the artist pays the relations of men and women ('Pygmalion' 1998, 'Easy gait of Judith' 1999, 'Two in the city' 2012), the theme of mother Genetrix ('to Catch Venus',' Motherhood' 1996) and the period of childhood, the most pure, honest view of the world ('the Rider' 2000, 'Hello adult Miro!' 2012, 'the Winner' 2012). This may also include experiments similar to pop art (series 'info-head' 2008-2012), in which the artist expresses the power of information flow and its impact on human life, as well as unconventional portraits of contemporaries and self-portraits (Portrait of Alexander Kashtanov's car' 1998, 'Male portrait' 2003).
The second way in which moves Arkady Morozov is rational, analytical beginning. It will be appropriate to mention the great interest of the artist to the philosophical doctrines of Kant, Berdyaev, Nietzsche, Foucault, psychology of Freud and Jung, which served as a starting point for reflection masters of time and space, the collective unconscious, the laws of the world, due to the natural beginning and technological innovation. Most fully this concept finds expression in the amazing, incredibly diverse and expressive abstract painting (series 'a Miser lights' 1998, 'untitled' 2008, 'Composition in red' 2010) and works with a predominance of metaphysics and surreal beginning (a series of 'Myths' 1996, the Witness' 2001,'Here and now' 2002).
The art of Arcadia Morozov's truly magnificent and in divers manners: in his work he reveals connections and relations, vibration and inner light of things and phenomena. In search of patterns and laws of the universe, the master often goes beyond the usual limits of human perception, i.e. portrays in his works, not prosaic reality, and explores perceives the world in its entirety, and then to share their findings with the audience.
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Added: 07.03.2015
Author: Morozov Arkadiy Ivanovich

personal anniversary exhibition Svetlana Kochevoi "collected works"

In Novorossiysk opened jubilee exhibition
Svetlana Kochevoi "collected works"

January 15, in the exhibition hall of the Novorossiysk branch vtoo "Union of artists of Russia" opened a personal exhibition "works" painter, member of the NGO vtoo "Union of artists of Russia, member of the Creative Union of artists of Russia, Svetlana Kochevoi.

Svetlana often pleases personal projects Novorossiysk viewers as well as... connoisseurs of art in other cities of Russia. So in recent years she has presented her work in the exhibition halls of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Stavropol, Anapa, Sochi, Pyatigorsk, Rostov-on-don, the terrible.

For Svetlana exhibition "works" - a landmark anniversary. The collection presented to the audience, includes more than 60 works: easel paintings, and sketches. The exhibition includes works that not only reflect the creativity Svetlana today, but also those works that have become vekovymi at some stage.

The storyline of the exhibition will tell the audience about a wide geography plein air trips of the artist. Warm memories of Montenegro Svetlana shares in the film "the Blessing the old Kotor". It is in these amazing places she visited with a sketchbook three times in the spring, summer and autumn. Unforgettable was her journey to South Korea, where she brought the sketches, written on the streets, Ulsan.

In 2013-2014 Svetlana Kukuev became a member of the plein air painters of the Eastern countries, which took place in the South of China. This international project has inspired the author to create a series of landscape works, and Novorossiysk spectator has the opportunity to "travel" to the Chinese Li river and in the mountains of the rice terraces. The exhibition also includes works devoted to Italy. After visiting about 20 Italian cities, Svetlana was often refer to topics solar Riviere and European architecture.

For the past 14 years, she Kukuev is a participant in the annual plein air trips organized by the Association of artists of Russia "Wheel", which take place in the mountains of Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkar republics. Of these trips, Svetlana brings the most valuable thing for an artist - sketches. Crisp and bright first impression from what he saw in nature, lays down on the canvas and becomes for the artist, an important lesson - that makes to move forward. Abkhazia, Crimea, Novorossiysk motives... As many themes, landscape themes and each author saw his distinctive and unique portrait of this place.

Svetlana has long established itself as a sensual and lyrical master floral still life. Haughtiness roses, extravagance lilies, soft peony, touching wild flowers - all this can be read in a picturesque reception of the author. Praising the exquisite nature of the flower, she adds bouquet forms in the most unexpected and bold composition.

At the forthcoming exhibition pleasant surprise for the audience can be a work from the series "Children's tales", which the artist was inspired by the birth of a granddaughter Anfisa. A separate line can be noted paintings on Moscow and the Russian Church architecture from Moscow. Chistoprudny Boulevard, Moscow. Street Marshal Sokolovsky", "Khotkovo. The end of November," which certainly will not leave the viewer indifferent.

Svetlana Kukuev is a constant participant of regional and all-Russian exhibitions. Such a creative and active exhibition activities could not remain unnoticed. In 2014, she won the Gold the medals of the Creative Union of artists of Russia "For contribution to the development of the national culture". Exhibition in the Exhibition hall of the Novorossiysk city organization of vtoo "Union of Russian artists"
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Added: 14.02.2015
Author: kukueva svetlana vladimirovna

My anniversary PCs in native Sevastopol Museum

My anniversary EXHIBITION in his native Sevastopol-the 50th anniversary in the city Museum Kroshitskiy
Added: 02.12.2014
Author: Petruhin Aleksey Mihaylovich

What is the role of painting in a modern interior?

The question is asked by many people these days, including decorator Vadim Che. He decided to share his opinion with us.
Painting has always played an important role in the interior, but recently its role began seriously underestimate the onslaught of mass culture.
Open entire network of stores offering a versatile solution for home, and, as a consequence, unifying art. Under these conditions,... the significance of works of art in the interior has been reduced to a minimum, preserved only in the form of template posters.
However, careful attention to the pattern selection will affect the entire interior, whether it is entire collected from the subject in the mass market. The picture will make it unique, emotionally significant, and emphasize personal taste and character of the owner.
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Added: 16.11.2014
Author: Artistsarea

Personal exhibition in Sevastopol

My PCs for the anniversary
Added: 16.11.2014
Author: Petruhin Aleksey Mihaylovich

in 2014 Abstract with Japanese Ink

most of them are works is rotatable
all on the canvas 3D
Added: 02.11.2014
Author: Woehrle Daisy

Roses and tea pot

Still life watercolor painting featuring some dishes and fruit laid on a table near a bouquet of roses in a mug.
Added: 02.11.2014
Author: MEHU Andre

Exhibition: Zoran Andric, 'Mediterranean - life after' 16th - 23rd August 2014, Grand Hotel, Valjevo, Serbia

Word of H. E. Ms. Nafsika Krousti, the Ambassador of the Republic of Cyprus in Belgrade, the exhibition catalog in Valjevo Zoran Andric 2014

I am deeply gratified to be given the opportunity to be in Valjevo. I thank the organizers of the manifestation “Tesnjar’s nights” and especially Mr. Zoran Andric for his kind invitation to me, to open his... exhibition “Mediterranean – a century later”, i am honoured. As it is well known the relations existing between our two countries have been traditionally excellent, friendly and confirmed concretely during difficult times for both of them. Our ties have to be brotherly tight as our tradition and Orthodoxy and its high values connect us. Mr. Andric, a renowned and a proved friend of my country, in his own way, contributes to the establishment of even firmer ties between Cyprus and Serbia.

Although i am not an expert, i may certainly recognize the emotion and energy within the paintings of Zoran Andric. I'm particularly pleased that Mr. Andric during his stay in Cyprus, a few years ago, managed to capture the pantheon of colors flourishing in my small country. The motives of sandy beaches, the Mediterranean landscape, the Cyprus sun, the clear Cyprus sky through his images become unreal, as if melting with the Cypriot-Greek mythology.

The painting skills of Zoran Andric are easily recognizable; he is consistently following his artistic direction. He holds its own development and gradually has formed a distinctive visual character. His images are not just pictures, nor colors: His works emanate Poetry, Drama, always there is an outcome. Energy reflected by the paintings of Zoran Andric testifies of an artist who does his best, who seeks and strives to extract from the landscape that reproduces the greatest and most gracious features. The artistic expression of Zoran Andric, irritates our senses, no one will remain indifferent to the color combinations and the outcome thereof. Standing still, always on the sunny side, in front of Mr. Andric new formulations and synthetic vision emerge.

Soul color

Serbian artist Zoran Andric awakens in us the absolute beauty of the emotional charge. Impasto color becomes clean air and wide horizon. The author masterfully leads us, as an expert Viaticum to the places and personalities by the seal of the fauvist with expressionistic background. Everything is in its place, well condensed and refined, thanks to the inherent technical skill and a strong intuitive creativity. The dynamism of the structure and lyrical pictorial аrе signs of the authenticity of this remarkable artist of atmosphere of the ancient alchemists. Stories of presented pictures are like musical notes that awakens our imagination, making invisible the visible, such as listening to the inner voice of the soul in silence. So, let's go into this universe of colors and unique stories so beautifully seen and dreamed in order to live and feel the eternal emotions .
Professor Danilo Giusino - art critic
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Added: 10.09.2014
Author: Zoran Andrić

They say that Spring is over.

But here the Spring it is what it is.
Added: 02.09.2014
Author: Payp Maksim

The invisible world is a pretext to see the true visible world

Approaches that I see in the work Johana Uvence, tells me, landscapes, invisible, which I notice in these periods search and approaches to reality imaginary, I see the series, which means suffering and emotions empirical who are in an unexpected moment of my life; of abstraction that represents this trick in order to Express gestualidad, time ímpeto and ready to... have a dialogue between the quaint lines, which fluctuate with his own image and his abstract composition, the artist does not set any specific reference to reality, but is that really lies in its reality. That is, shapes, lines, colors, textures, all of these elements are in reality, but with the particular things as gardens that she says to say.

From here we can conclude that the link to imitate or to Express, can be copied, or fantasize nature, but in your case, the artist is not interested in realism. However, this explanation is not sufficient, there must be something more, as abstractions that his case to the forecasts, otherwise, everyone can paint works are abstract, but art became a matter of aesthetic and experimental Johana is with this series, entitled “Amnesia”... since this name we reaffirmed that abstract, that may be his same works.

When I see the work place, I dial the memories that says Lawrence stern with thoughts that they were intended for another person, and metaphor, that he speaks of his passion that he did not know how to say a few words, reminds me of a life full silence, and forces me to ask what was happening, in the opinion of the artist? "All art is from nature that can pull him out of it, and only he has', Durer, these spirits elevated, these artists true are those that make a step beyond nature, who extort art of natural forms.

We communicate this expression, draw abstraction biomorfica is the language unique need, but also from fear to try to bring his works to the language of today, in their desire to be at the forefront of countries that mark in the history of modern art, today, and now that invites us to look at their work, garden water, square, blue, turquoise, vinick (male), unpredictable, to name a few of the names and works.

Begin this dialogue is part of a work and the viewer (I'm trying to take contraerme) I agree also that the purpose of the artist-not to portray the nature but to fulfill his inner world, but it can be also may be a need to formalize the inside through nature, Kandinsky said that not all, abstract art is good, because not all of fine art, if it is not born “domestic needs”.

Johana Uvence you can look outside, and at the same time inside of things that allows us to send all our senses, what will give us reactions to like or dislike anything of his works, but knowing what he thinks, and his ideas, perhaps we will begin to look, to see how these parts are different eyes, on the other-the excitement, with different sensitivity.

Alexander Tello
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Added: 26.04.2014
Author: Uvence Johana

Exhibition in the national exhibition center 'Struggle with gravity'

I presented there 15 paintings
Added: 12.04.2014
Author: Karnuhov Lev Mihaylovich

The exhibition opened 'Mirror sleep' in Ekaterinburg

Exhibition Ekaterinburg Surrealists (I presents 6 works)
Added: 20.03.2014
Author: Karnuhov Lev Mihaylovich

Painted walls .

Do painting the walls in the graphic style in St. Petersburg or Leningrad region.
Added: 12.02.2014
Author: Krupnova Oksana Viktorovna

The Unique Style Of The Canadian Artist Mark Лэгу

International reputation as an outstanding artist from Canada mark Лэгу (Mark Lague) is growing every day. His unique style of painting attracts art lovers around the world. The vast majority of works are executed in the style of impressionism, but the artist tends to realism. Mark is open for any item from the surrounding world, and the endless search for novelty... keep it in a state of constant delight from painting and forced to look for a way to simplify and get to the core of all that he draws. read more
Added: 10.02.2014
Author: Artistsarea

Сила и Хрупкость Природы в Картинах Сьюзан Данко

Картины художницы из США Сьюзан Данко (Susan Danko) отражают в себе наблюдения, а также взятые из памяти сюжеты. Все они объединены тем, что сочетают в себе природные явления и фантазию художницы, создавая таким образом новую реальность. Спонтанные картины напрямую связаны с экологическим состоянием окружающей среды, сценарием, по которому развивается то или иное направление в природе. Цель, которую стремиться достичь художница... в своих работах, заключается в том, чтобы противопоставить разрушение и обновление, порядок и хаос. Её работы согласовывают тем самым напряженность между абстракцией и реализмом. read more
Added: 03.02.2014
Author: Artistsarea

Indian art today in watercolors Samir Мондала

Remaining classically elegant, watercolors Indian artist Samir Мондала (Samir Mondal) never lose its novelty. On account of the artist already 37 of personal exhibitions and participated in many important collective exhibitions in the major cities of India and abroad.
Added: 22.01.2014
Author: Artistsarea

Blurred memories by Alfredo Gonzalez

Spanish artist Alfredo Gonzalez tries to show in his artworks how certain beliefs affect our memories. His paintings are like timeless fragments which come to our memory and disappear in the past, first filtering through our souls, so that once to come out in the blurred memories.
Added: 02.01.2014
Author: Artistsarea

With the New year !

With the New year !
Added: 02.01.2014
Author: Vereschagin Imya*Vladimir

Unusual in the Usual: Romantic Impressionism paintings by Andre Kohn.

Being one of the most interesting artists on the American art scene, Andre Kohn recognized as an outstanding leader of the modern impressionism. The artist finds unusual in the usual things, he portrays through motion, in a poetic embodiment of the human figure. His favorite genre of art is a portrait and almost all the people created by his hand, depicted... in the rain blurred colors, from the back, or with covered faces. read more
Added: 18.12.2013
Author: Artistsarea

Another Reality in the Works Jean Pierre Monange

French artist Jean Pierre Monange creates images that can disappear in an alternate reality. It seems that you are immersed in these endless images, they are so beautiful. Other realities come out of nowhere, superimposed on each other, but suddenly we think that these visions are familiar to us. Monange’s artworks can cause only positive emotions. His unusual technique of writing... is famous all over the world. read more
Added: 08.12.2013
Author: Artistsarea

Square Art of Robert Doesburg

Robert Doesburg was born in the Netherland in 1945 and Draws all his life. His speciality is the unusual square style paintings. He see himself as a aesthetic sensualist , always looking for beauty and always trying to paint with intuition and feeling. His work emit light, because they’re written language of emotion. ” However, it was amazing, “square” style brought... Robert Doesburg fame and recognition. read more
Added: 26.11.2013
Author: Artistsarea

The Freshness of Watercolors by Silvia Zsolt Fradera

Works of contemporary Spanish artist Silvia Zsolt Fradera are full of unusual freshness and spontaneity.The artist depicts the city landscapes, in particular, scenes from the life of her native city, and human figures engaged in their business against the background of the houses, streets and squares. Pictures of Sylvia are welcome in any gallery in the world. Currently her watercolors decorate... several private collections from different countries. read more
Added: 23.11.2013
Author: Artistsarea

Stunning Surrealism Paintings by Michael Page

American artist-surrealist Michael Page creates fantastic works, using eye-popping colors, not being afraid to experiment with bright color palette, focusing on the spirit, which lives in every living organism. His works impress a wide scale and use of a profound fantastic images. Elaboration of the most minute details, bright saturated colors, the contrast of tones attract attention, blurring the thin border... between reality and alternative surreal world. read more
Added: 23.11.2013
Author: Artistsarea

Incendiary Paintings By Self-Taught Artist Daniel Densborn

A self-taught artist Daniel Densborn from Provence creates stunningly hot paintings in the knife painting technique. Broad brush strokes with hardly visible lines allow the viewer to give free rein to your imagination. Everything seems to be burning in the rhythm of hot dance. With each stroke of... the knife characters in the paintings seem to come alive. Enjoy the atmosphere of a flaming dance in the paintings of Daniel Densborn. read more
Added: 02.11.2013
Author: Artistsarea

Intensive Impressionism in the Pictures of Daniel Wall

Daniel Wall is the originator of Intense Impressionism, which is characterized by unsurpassed intensity and boldness. Started in the 1980s by Daniel Wall, Intense Impressionist techniques include big, conspicuous strokes created with palette knives, extreme texture with heavy paints, intensified vibrant colors, and exaggerated striking effects of lights. Daniel Wall's Intense Impressionist landscape... and cityscape paintings are very much loved by the collectors around the world. read more
Added: 02.11.2013
Author: Artistsarea

The magic of the Colors in the Alfred Gockel's Pictures

Paintings by the German artist Alfred Gockel sparkle with joy and brightness. In his works he uses the most beautiful colors framed by bright lighting, with a focus on vague black figure. From childhood he was fascinated by the magic of colors, created on paper. This talent and ... href="/filter/subject/enthusiasm.html">enthusiasm already in the age of 8 led to the publication of the first works of art of the young artist a German publisher. The style of the artist is unique: individual colors and black lines blend together and disappear, creating a separate image for each spectator. Dynamics of the turnover of color and mood are harmoniously combined in his works. read more
Added: 26.10.2013
Author: Artistsarea

Orders Accept

I will kindly receive your orders for the author's copy of any of my paintings of desired size.
Added: 26.10.2013
Author: konev vladimir ivanovich

Head in the clouds: multiple exposure in the Paintings Deenesh Ghyczy

German-Hungarian artist Deenesh Ghyczy writes original paintings, the hallmark of which is the effect of multiple exposures. Multiple exposure was invented by photographers and mainly refers to the art of photography, but the artist instead of the camera picked up a brush and paints depicted a multiple exposure on canvas, thereby obtaining a surrealistic... иллюзионизм. It combines several images of one and the same person on the canvas so that the viewer dizzy and dazzled the eyes. All his works are impregnated with the idea of consciously multiply their identity in the modern world, each time putting on a new mask. Artist proves that the inner and outer perceptions are different from each other, moreover, gives the feel border transition from one to another. read more
Added: 26.10.2013
Author: Artistsarea

Autumn 2013 - Exhibition Center Of The St. Petersburg Union Of Artists

'AUTUMN 2013'

08.11.2013 - 23.11.2013
8 November - 23 November


graphics, poster, theatre and film, sculpture, art study

Opening is on 8 November at 17.00

all halls

November 8 - November 20, in the big hall
Added: 22.10.2013
Author: Il'dyukov Oleg

Child and the High Art: the Youngest Artist in the World

Aelita Andre is the youngest professional artist in the world. She was born January 9, 2007 in Australia and started to paint in the age of 9 months. Girl’s unusual pictures attracted the attention of her parents and also of art experts. Baby abstract thinking worked wonders. ... href="/filter/subject/There.html">There is a great depth of meaning in every work of this talented girl. She has already two solo exhibitions in the United States and Italy. Aelita's most expensive painting was sold for 30,000 dollars and the total value of all her paintings is more than a million dollars. The style the young artist is closer to abstract expressionism. read more
Added: 19.10.2013
Author: Artistsarea

«Russian Genius» Fedor Starin

Fyodor Starin is a bright representative of the modern school of Russian Re-Avant garde. In the age of 22 the artist created more than 450 works, he received the nickname "Russian genius" abroad for that. Fyodor posses such art qualities to which many other artists come in a long-long time. There is a unique... vision of compositional solutions and remarkable stylistic diversity in his works, which sold for high prices. read more
Added: 10.10.2013
Author: Artistsarea

Sunny Joy in the Paintings of Chinese Artist Z. Ling Shu

Each of us sometimes has the moments of sadness. In these moments everyone is looking for a way to get rid of depression. For example, listening to positive music or physical activity can help. But for someone it is enough just looking at the colorful, amazing and warm paintings of Chinese ... href="/filter/subject/artist.html">artist Z. Ling Shu. There are a lot of light, sun, smiling and happy people in her paintings. Such pictures full of magical world of harmony and happiness sets the viewer in a positive way.
Just enjoy the sun and positive atmosphere from the works of chinese artist Z. Ling Shu!
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Added: 08.10.2013
Author: Artistsarea

Contemporary Figurative Paintings by Arturo Samaniego

Arturo Samaniego is a figurative artist. According to his words he was always inspired by themes of realism, especially in the oil painting. That's why Arturo tries to paint as believable as possible, combining modern compositional elements in his works.
In his series "Emergence", the human figure is placed in isolation, submerged... in the waters. The sea is a metaphor for the life that surrounds each one of us, with all its beauty and unpredictability. read more
Added: 04.10.2013
Author: Artistsarea

Female Body Beauty’s Hymn by Henry Asencio

American artist Henry Asencio is one of the most intriguing contemporary young artist. Figurative oil painting and a unique style are mixed in his works. A distinctive feature of the artist is in his unique combination of color, texture, and exquisite form. It’s women who inspire Asencio. Symbolic of the approach to... his art, the mystique of the female form builds the structure of each new painting. Henry Asencio's use of color sets the mood and a fury of texture creates an urgency to elicit heart-felt emotion. read more
Added: 03.10.2013
Author: Artistsarea

Dynamic Cityscapes in the Pictures of Jeremy Mann

American artist from San Francisco Jeremy Mann creates atmospheric cityscapes, bringing in them a personal touch and a powerful dynamic. You can't see usual attributes and symbols of urban landscapes in his pictures. He manages to create mystical urban landscapes with skyscrapers, shrouded in the grey rainy clouds. In his ... href="/filter/subject/paintings.html">paintings Mann captures the feeling of the spirit of every city and soft atmosphere of the moment. read more
Added: 29.09.2013
Author: Artistsarea

Art Exibition - From the 3 at the 31 October Mal Crabbehof - 3317 DORDRECHT (NL)

van 3 t/m 31 OKTOBER 2013,
* OPENING DO. 3 oktober 16.00 - 19.00 uur
Wijkwinkel Crabbehof,
Van Oldenbarneveltplein 84-86

* Openingstijden ma. t/m vr. 9.00 - 16.00 uur (za. en zo. gesloten)
Added: 29.09.2013

Top-20 Expensive Paintings of Russian Artists

Who is the most expensive Russian artist? And who can be considered as an Russian artist? Lots of famous artists were born in Russia, however, they could have lived and worked in different countries and had different foreign citizenship.
Here you can see Top-20 of the most Expensive Paintings of Russian Artists. This list includes... only those artists who were born in Russia or those who left being already an artist.

1. Kazimir Malevich " Suprematist Composition" , 1916 . $ 60.0 million (sold in 2008 )
2 . Wassily Kandinsky " White Sound " , 1908 . $ 23.3 million (sold in 2007 )
3 . Wassily Kandinsky "Fugue" , 1900 . $ 22.9 million (sold in 1990 )
4 . Alexei Jawlensky "Shokko in a wide-brimmed hat " , 1910 . $ 18.66 million (sold in 2008 )
5 . Kazimir Malevich " Suprematist Composition" , 1916 . $ 17.05 million (sold in 2000 )
6. Wassily Kandinsky , " Sketch for Improvisation number 3 " , 1909 . $ 16.88 million (sold in 2008 )
7. Marc Chagall " Circus " , 1956 . $ 13.7 million (sold in 2007 )
8. Marc Chagall “Anniversary '' , 1923 . $ 16.3 million (sold in 1990 )
9. Natalia Goncharova, "Flowers" , 1912 . $ 10.88 million (sold in 2008 )
10 . Nicolai Fechin "A Little Cowboy" , 1940 . $ 10.8 million (sold in 2010 )
11. Natalia Goncharova " Picking Apples " , 1909 . $ 9.78 million (sold in 2007 )
12. Marc Chagall " Russian village in the moonlight " , 1911 . $ 8.25 million (sold in 1999 )
13. Ilya Repin "Parisian Cafe" , 1875 . $ 7.24 million (sold in 2011 )
14. Konstantin Somov "Rainbow" , 1927 . $ 7.43 million (sold in 2007 )
15. Natalia Goncharova "A Spanish girl" , 1916 . $ 6.43 million (sold in 2010 )
16. Vasily Polenov " Who among you is without a sin ? " , 1908 . $ 6.52 million (sold in 2011 )
17. Natalia Goncharova "Moscow Street" , 1909 . $ 6.35 million (sold in 2011 )
18. Ilya Kabakov, "Beetle" , 1982 . $ 5.84 million (sold in 2008 )
19. Alexander Yakovlev " Portrait of Vasily Shuhaev in his workshop " , 1928 . $ 5.61 million (sold in 2007)
20. Ivan Aivazovsky "The American merchant marine for the Rock of Gibraltar ' , 1873 . $ 5,510,000 (sold in 2007)
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Added: 28.09.2013
Author: Artistsarea

4 September - November 17, 2013 Illarion Golitsyn. Be yourself. To the 85 anniversary from birthday

In the State Tretyakov gallery opens exhibition of works of outstanding graphics Illarion Vladimirovich Golitsyn (1928-2007). His teacher Illarion Golitsyn considered the father M. Golitsyn, also a great influence on the artist had a friend of his father P.D. Korin. At the exhibition, spanning several decades of Illarion Golitsyn, presents the evolution of the creative quest of the... wizard: linocut, woodcut, pencil drawing, sculpture, wood and limestone, watercolor painting. read more
Added: 20.09.2013
Author: Artistsarea

August 28 - September 2013

Karl Brullov from private collections in Moscow and St. Petersburg
In the Russian Museum exhibited the newly discovered paintings by Karl Bryullov (1799 -1852) relating to different periods of creative ways. Presented thirteen works of oil painting masters. Thanks to the exhibition of these works is introduced into scientific circulation, which gives the possibility of deeper studying of... creativity of the great artist. read more
Added: 20.09.2013
Author: Artistsarea

Unusual works of painting from Stephan Balleux

His creativity Belgian artist Stephan Balleux chose a very unusual way of painting. His works of art enchant the audience originality and originality of execution. After seeing the work for the first time, it may seem that Stephan just showed one of their palettes, where blended colors, but if... you look closer, you begin to guess the images among mess of colors, which are aggressively expressive genre catch the eye. Art works by masters of evil and attractive, from them it is difficult to look away, which tries to explore the slightest curves and bulges strange people. However, bright colors, sharp contrasts do not interfere with the contemplation of his works. read more
Added: 20.09.2013
Author: Artistsarea

Salvador Dali: the 10 commandments for artists

As is known, Salvador Dali is one of the most odious and eccentric figures of the XX century. It arouses contemporaries explosions delight, and together with the indignation of his loved and hated at the same time. However, all this would be impossible without a huge amount of effort and persistence of the artist.... As a result, the master has left more than 600 paintings, which are presented in the best museums of the world.
In his book «Fifty magical mysteries», leads Gave the Ten commandments to be followed by the one who is going to become an artist»:

1. The artist, it is better to be rich than to the poor; learn to work with a brush so that it born with gold and precious stones.
2. No fear of perfection-you'll never achieve it!
3. First thing to learn to write and draw, as the old masters. Then you can write what you want, everyone will respect you.
4. Do not lose an eye, a hand, nor the head, if you become an artist, they will be useful for you.
5. If you are one of those who believe that contemporary art has surpassed art Вермере and Raphael, at this book and remain in blissful idiocy.
6. Don't be sloppy in painting, otherwise after your death painting itself transgresses you.
7. Loren masterpieces no!
8. Artist, draw!
9. Artist do not drink alcohol your life, do not smoke hashish more than five times.
10. If painting is not in love with you, all your love it will be futile.
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Added: 20.09.2013
Author: Artistsarea

August 23 - September 22, 2013 Alexey Шмаринов.'Abramtsevo is my destiny'

In the Museum-reserve 'Abramtsevo' in the exhibition halls of the Department of «Russian artists of the twentieth century in Abramtsevo» an exhibition of watercolors by Alexei Shmarinov. Alexey Dement'evich Шмаринов people's artist of Russia, laureate of the State prize of Russia, full member of the Russian Academy of arts, member of the Board of the Union of... artists of Russia lives in Abramtsevo with the end of the 1940s. According to the master, «understated beauty of the earth Радонежской for life has become one of the main themes of his works».
Book A.D. Shmarinov «Abramtsevo is my destiny». It includes stories and novels, an autobiographical narrative, more than thirty photographs, prints and color reproductions.
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Added: 12.09.2013
Author: Artistsarea

TOP 20 most visited museums in the world in 2012

The publication of The Art Newspaper published an annual report on the most visited museums of the world over the past year 2012. An interesting fact is that the Louvre was able to increase the number of visitors to 1 million, compared with the previous year and firmly takes the first place among the most visited... museums in the world, leaving far behind all its competitors. The list is dominated by European museums (50% of 100%, 20% are in the museums of North America and Asia, 8% in the list belongs to Australia, despite the relatively small number of residents in this country. Russian Hermitage occupies in this ranking 13th place with the attendance of nearly 3 million people per year.

So, the top-20 of the best museums in the world:

The Louvre (Paris), the Best in Europe
The Metropolitan Museum (new York), Best in North America
The British Museum (London)
Tate Modern (London)
National gallery (London)
The Vatican Museum (The Vatican)
The national Palace Museum (Taipei), Best in Asia
National arts gallery (DC)
Centre Pompidou (Paris)
Museum D'orsay (Paris)
Victoria and albert Museum (London)
The national Museum of Korea (Seoul)
The State Hermitage (Saint-Petersburg)
Museum of modern art (new York)
The national folk Museum of Korea (Seoul)
Reina Sofia (Madrid)
Cultural center of the Bank of Brazil (Rio de Janeiro), the Best in South America
National portrait gallery (London)
Shanghai Museum (Shanghai)
The national Museum of Scotland (Edinburgh)

Interestingly, we will show 2013?
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Added: 12.09.2013
Author: Artistsarea

22 August - September 22, 2013 100 Etchings Vladimir Nilov

In Titian hall of the Scientific - research Museum of the Russian Academy of arts of St. Petersburg opened an exhibition of works of one of the leading Russian charts, Vladimir N. Nilov. The wizard works in the traditional manner of classical etching. Creating a multifaceted fascinating image, with a finely developed texture artist conveys... the beauty of Russian landscapes. Presents about a hundred etchings Century Nilov, created in different periods from 1980 to nowadays. Just honored artist of Russia Vladimir Nilov has created about 250 etchings. The author recalls: «Put I began 1980, although he graduated from the Stroganov art school only two years later. Of course, work on the etchings difficult. First, the need physical strength, secondly etchings processed strong acids, not all and kept».
After the exhibition, its selling collectors.
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Added: 12.09.2013
Author: Artistsarea

August 20 - 22 September 2013 Exhibition of works of the members of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of arts

The State Museum of contemporary art of Russian Academy of fine arts, Gogol Boulevard, an exhibition of works of the leading masters of Russian fine art, the members of the Presidium of the Academy. Presents more than two hundred works of painting, graphics, sculpture, decorative arts, architecture, made in the tradition of... the classical school and modern trends. The exhibition showcases works of Z.K. Tsereteli, Т.Т. Salakhova, BA Messerer, CHERKASHIN Zhylinski, O.M. savostyuka, K.V. Khudyakov, E.N. Maksimova, N.A. Mukhina, V.I. Nesterenko, V.A. Glukhov, A. A. Любавина, V.V. Kalinin, A.D. Shmarinov, L.V. Shepeleva and other
Vernissage will take place on 7 September.
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Added: 12.09.2013
Author: Artistsarea

From the famous actor, a well-known artist.

From October 27 and November 27, 2013 in the Russian Museum will show the personal exhibition of pictures Sylvester Stallone. Visitors will scale canvases in the style of impressionism and expressionism. Stallone paints the big picture, requiring a lot of time and effort. The actor admitted that he usually works in the... garage of his home in California.
Hollywood actor is engaged in painting for 35 years, he began to get involved in it while still in College in Switzerland. In the same country in 2011 was held and the first exhibition of his works.
In one of his interviews he said that they spend on this hobby a lot of my free time, and a good deal of fees, buying a canvas, paint and brushes in the best Parisian shops for artists. Over the past years the house was already a collection of paintings, most of it already gave away to friends. There are rumors that the most expensive painting Hollywood star cost the buyer $ 40 million.
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Added: 30.08.2013
Author: Artistsarea

50 Советов Художнику

1. Пишите каждый день.
2. Пишите до тех пор, пока почувствуете физическую усталость – сделайте перерыв и поработайте ещё немного.
3. Размышляйте.
4 .Если оказались в тупике, присмотритесь к работам знаменитых художников.
5. По возможности, покупайте лучшие художественные материалы.
6. Найдите средства для собственной поддержки.
7. Будьте строгим критиком своих работ.
8. Развивайте умение посмеяться над самим собой.
9. Пусть стремление к работе войдет в привычку. Начинайте писать с... самого утра. Если вы на какое-то время прервали работу, не ешьте. Лучше выпейте стакан воды.
10. Не позволяйте неудачам раздавить себя. Рембрандту не везло. Успех рождается из неудач.
11. Почувствуйте союзника в каждом стремящемся к успеху художнике.
12. Не осложняйте. Будьте проще.
13. Хорошо знайте свое оборудование и надлежащим образом следите за ним.
14. Куда бы вы ни собирались, всегда имейте под рукой необходимые и готовые к работе инструменты и материалы.
15. Всегда начинайте работать вовремя, никогда не опаздывайте к началу занятий или на деловые встречи.
16. Стремитесь опережать свой самый плотный график работы. Старайтесь быть лучше данного вами слова.
17. Не завидуйте более талантливым художникам. Просто старайтесь работать на пределе возможностей.
18. Очень приятно получать премии и награды. Но истинная конкуренция заключается в соперничестве со своим вчерашним результатом.
19. Позвольте себе потерпеть неудачу, чтобы затем яростно бороться за покорение новой вершины.
20. Засыпая, думайте о том, с чего в первую очередь вы начнете завтрашний день.
21. Изучайте работы великих мастеров. Обратите внимание на то, каким образом расставлены акценты на их полотнах; что выделено, а что является второстепенным.
22.Запомните: Микеланджело когда-то был беспомощным ребенком. Шедевры создаются в результате героического труда.
23. Каждой работе отдавайте самого себя.
24. Без борьбы прогресса не бывает.
25. Не говорите себе: «Времени нет». У вас ежедневно его столько же, сколько было у выдающихся мастеров.
26. Читайте. Будьте знакомы с великими идеями.
27. Чем бы вы ни зарабатывали себе на жизнь, совершенствуйте своё искусство.
28. Задавайте вопросы. Жадно учитесь.
29. Стремитесь находить художников, чьё мероприятие созвучно вашему и старайтесь постоянно расширять их круг.
30. Гордитесь своими работами и самим собой
31 .Во время работы над картиной помните, о чем она.
32. Если у вас неприятности, вспомните о судьбах тех, кто создавал великое искусство.
33. Пытайтесь найти то, чему можно поучиться у больших художников; не нужно искать в их произведениях недостатки.
34. Всматривайтесь и наблюдайте окружающую жизнь.
35. Преодолевайте ошибки вашей наблюдательности, подчеркивая контрасты и характерное.
36. Если вы не можете решить, над чем работать дальше, напишите автопортрет.
37. Никогда не говорите: «Это мне не под силу». Подобные мысли мешают потенциальному развитию.
38. Если искусство представляется чем – то очень сложным, это значит, вы пытаетесь выйти за рамки того, что уже умеете.
39. Рисуйте всегда и везде. Художник – это, образно говоря, этюдник плюс личность.
40. В каждой попытке создать прекрасное уже присутствует искусство.
41. Если вы смогли вложить в работу личное отношение, зритель почувствует это: он станет вашим зрителем.
42. Будьте умеренным и самокритичным, но ставьте перед собой самые высокие цели.
43. Не скрывайте ваши знания. Делитесь ими.
44. Попробуйте поработать с тем, что вам не «по нутру»: так вы откроете, истинно своё.
45. Праздную голову вдохновение не посещает. Оно приходит, когда вы погружены в работу.
46. Привычка сильнее желания. Если вы сможете выработать у себя привычку рисовать каждый день, вас уже ничто не остановит.
47. Существует три способа познания искусства: изучать жизнь, людей и природу; изучать великих художников; и писать.
48. Научить способны только те произведения, которые отняли много сил; часто они же являются любимыми.
49. Интенсивность цвета относительна. Найдите самый светлый тон и сравните с ним остальные светлые тона. То же самое сделайте с темными тонами.
50. Выдержка и твердость характера – волшебные составляющие успеха.
read more
Added: 24.08.2013
Author: Artistsarea

Drawing teeth artist

Artist Steve chambers of Britain suffers from a congenital disease of the muscles. However, the fact that Steve never kept in the hands of a brush, a pencil, not reflected in quality of his watercolor drawings, which could be the envy of every artist. Since childhood Steve literally grabs teeth for life in art. As... an 18-year old youth, he entered the art College, where he appears his vision of the painting. At the moment Steve chambers is the father of four children and a member of the Association of the artists who draw feet and mouth, where there are more than 800 participants. read more
Added: 20.08.2013
Author: Artistsarea

Coins instead of canvas

Jacqueline Lou Shaggs from the US creates her painting miniatures using pennies.
This is one of the strangest canvasses ever used, however she amazingly deals with such a tiny surface. You can see landscapes, portraits and many other subjects well done on
such a material object.
Added: 14.08.2013
Author: Artistsarea

6 August - 25 August 2013 «The twentieth century artist Dobrov, are ailing»

In the Exhibition halls of the Russian Academy of arts on Prechistenka exhibition
people's artist of Russia, member-correspondent of the Russian Academy of arts G.M. Dobrov, are ailing (1937 - 2011). Their creativity is devoted to the image of the tragic fate of the people, acute human experiences: a series of drawings «Autographs of... war», «Requiem», «Prayer for peace», «international terrorism», «People of Russia» and other presents about fifty paintings and graphic works by the artist. read more
Added: 14.08.2013
Author: Artistsarea

August 4 - September 22, 2013 «Watercolors Alexei Shmarinov»

In the Museum and exhibition complex of the Institute of Russian realist art on Дербеневской promenade is an exhibition devoted to the 80th anniversary of the national artist of Russia, full member of the Russian Academy of arts, laureate of the State prize of the RSFSR, the winner of prestigious international awards A.D. Shmarinov. Presented thirty works... from the collection of the Institute of Russian realist art and the collection of the author, captured the beauty of the Moscow region village Abramtsevo and amazing landscapes of Karelia. read more
Added: 14.08.2013
Author: Artistsarea

25 July - September 8, 2013

«Mastermind seekers of Ancient Rus» (V.M. Vasnetsov and Russian icon of the end of XIX - beginning of XX centuries)
The State Museum of history of religion in St. Petersburg opened an exhibition of Victor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov. There are four major works created for the Church of St. George the victorious in Gus-Khrustalny,... Vladimir region («Golgotha», «Descent into hell», «the Eucharist», «Thee rejoiceth») and twelve paintings, drawings and icons made followers Vasnetsov, repeating the famous songs of the artist. Church painting V.M. Vasnetsov were very popular in the late XIX - early XX centuries. Painting of the Saint Vladimir Cathedral in Kiev (1885-1896 biennium) and the Church of the Savior on blood in St. Petersburg (1893-1907 biennium) are often used as a reference when creating monumental painting for new churches. read more
Added: 14.08.2013
Author: Artistsarea

July 17 - August 11, 2013Unknown IL Asknazy. vanity of vanities

n the Blue Hall of the Research Museum of the Russian Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg, an exhibition of works by IL Asknazy of funds. Academic history painting of Isaac L. (Itsyk Leibowitz) Asknazy (1856-1902) studied with leading professors of history painting of the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts: AT Markov PM Shamshina, VP... Vereshchagin, KB Wenig, PP Chistyakov. Presented four pictures painted on biblical subjects, "Abraham banishes Hagar and her son Ishmael," "Marranka (in prison)," "Moses in the wilderness", "Ecclesiastes. Vanity of vanities. "The exhibition also shows a portrait IL Asknazy written VE SAVINSKY during his stay in Rome. read more
Added: 05.08.2013
Author: Artistsarea

July 13 - September 1, 2013From Caravaggio to Guercino. Sir Denis Mahon and Italian art of the XVII century

In the Armorial Hall of the Winter Palace, an exhibition organized by the State Hermitage Museum and the museums of Italy. The exhibition is dedicated to the memory of art critic and collector, scholar of Guercino, Caravaggio and the art of the XVII century, Sir Denis Mahon. Denis Mahon (1910-2011) combined his scientific career with... collecting, in his collection are paintings by Caravaggio, Guercino, Guido Reni, Luca Giordano, Giuseppe Maria Crespi and other Italian painters of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. At the end of the life of Mahon put his paintings in museums UK, Ireland and Italy. Exposition was intended by Denis Mahon, about thirty works of Guercino, Caravaggio and their contemporaries from Italian collections, supplemented by paintings from the collection of Italian paintings of the XVII century the Hermitage. read more
Added: 05.08.2013
Author: Artistsarea

July 12 - September 8, 2013The gospel of beauty

At the Grand Palais Museum "Tsaritsyno" an exhibition of works created by students and faculty of the Moscow school of icon painting: the Faculty of Arts of the Church of St. Tikhon's Orthodox University for the Humanities, Institute for the Humanities Orthodox "Co-operation", Icon Painting School. Venerable Alypius Caves, Trifonovskaya icon-painting school. Presented more than ... href="/filter/subject/a+hundred.html">a hundred pieces of religious art - icons and embroidery made ​​with preservation of ancient traditions and to the technology. Modern icons created in the style of different eras and schools of ancient and Byzantine icon painting, also exhibited with lists of known miracle-working icons stored in museums. read more
Added: 05.08.2013
Author: Artistsarea

June 27 - September 29, 2013Titian. Of museums in Italy

In the Pushkin Museum. AS Pushkin, an exhibition of works by the great Italian painter Tiziano Vecellio (1488/1490 - 1576). The exhibition includes 11 of the 10 masterpieces of the museum's collections of Italy. Emblematic figure of the Renaissance artist has left an indelible mark on the art, exerting influence on its subsequent development. These... pictures on religious and mythological subjects and portraits reflect the entire career of Titian. Some works have not exported outside of Italy. The exhibition was an anticipation of the Year of Russia-Italy tourism. read more
Added: 05.08.2013
Author: Artistsarea


Watercolor landscape featuring the little harbor of Doëlan (Brittany,France)
Added: 27.07.2013
Author: MEHU Andre

Выставка пейзажей Турина в галерее 'Санта Аннунциата'

С 26 июля по 1 августа 2013 г. приглашаю посмотреть мои работы из серии 'Виды Турина' представленные в галерее 'Санта Аннунциата' (Вия По 47, Турин, Италия). Часы работы галереи с 10:00 до 13:00 и с 15:00 до 19:00

Вход свободный
Added: 26.07.2013
Author: Korneva Yulia Aleksandrovna

Personal exhibition in Turin (Italy)

I invite you to visit the exhibition of my art-works at S. Annunziata Gallery in Via Po 47, Turin (Italy). The exhibition will be open from 26th July to 1st Augut from 10 am to 1 pm and from 3 pm to 7 pm.
Added: 26.07.2013
Author: Korneva Yulia Aleksandrovna

26 June - September 01, 2013
Illarion Golitsyn (1928-2007). Drawing, watercolor, etching. From the collection of the Pushkin Museum to them. A.S. Pushkin and the artist's family

In the Museum изобразитльных arts mi. A.S. Pushkin in the Department of personal collections, the exhibition приуроченая to the 85-anniversary of the artist Illarion Vladimirovich Golitsyn (1928 - 2007). Named I.V. Golitsyn is linked flowering of the art of woodcut in the 1960s. In the collection of the Pushkin Museum to them. A.S. Pushkin was a... collection of works I.V. Golitsyn, including engravings, drawings and watercolours, the exhibition presents about 100 works. read more
Added: 26.07.2013
Author: Artistsarea

20 June - 02 September 2013
Alexander Golovin. 1863-1930

In the case of Benoit Russian Museum exhibition devoted to the 150-th anniversary of Russian artist А.Я.Головина (1863-1930). Outstanding theatrical artist Golovin studied at the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture in the I. M. Pryanishnikov, V. E. Makovsky, V. D. Polenov, as well as in Paris in the colarossi Academy,... in the Studio Vitti. Presented about 150 works of painting, drawing and theatrical-decorative art. Also incorporates authentic costumes from the collection of the Alexandrinsky theatre, made sketches of the А.Я.Головина. read more
Added: 26.07.2013
Author: Artistsarea

June 14 - September 8, 2013
Ball in the Noble Assembly 1913. Painting and sketches D.N. Kardovsky

In the Rotunda of the Winter Palace, the exhibition, dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty and the 100 anniversary of the ball. Exhibited the picture Dmitry Nikolaevich Kardovsky (1866-1943) 'Ball in the Petersburg Nobility 23 February 1913' and 47 portrait sketches for it. D.N. Kardovsky an outstanding Russian artist, a pupil... of P.P. Chistyakov and I.E. Repin. Anniversary celebrations of the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty in the year 1913 was a national event, the celebration lasted from February till autumn. February 23, 1913 St. Petersburg nobility was given a Grand ball, where more than 3200 guests. read more
Added: 26.07.2013
Author: Artistsarea

Chimera Art Opening Saturday August 3rd 7:00 pm. Stevens Square Center for the Arts

Stevens Square Center for the Arts, 1905 Third Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404

Stevens Square Center for the Arts is pleased to present Chimera, a solo exhibition of work by Roger Williamson set to live music by Comets Ov Cupid. Please join us on Saturday August 3rd, from 7-10 p.m., for the... exhibition opening and to meet the artist.
In the exhibition, Williamson presents a series of artworks that trace a specific understanding the artist has of Chimera. Williamson refers to Chimera as a quality of the mythological sphinx, that is mystery rather than Chimera’s usually accepted quality as an illusionary entity or fabrication of the mind; especially as an unrealizable dream.
Mystery is energy, a fitting title of the sphinx and while she retains her mystery she maintains her power. Only when she gives up her secrets does she lose her power and die.
It is this theme of mystery which permeates the works on display and the viewer is led through a labyrinth of images that challenge one to quest through the door that leads to our inner selves where the answers to all our questions reside.
Williamson’s installation is comprised of oil paintings on both wood panels and canvas.
Roger Williamson is a Minneapolis-based artist who has exhibited his paintings in local galleries. He is also the author of several books which include The Sun at Night and the Lucifer Diaries and is the creator of Tarot of the Morning Star tarot deck. Some images from the deck will be included in the exhibit.
Comets Ov Cupid is a space rock project by Jason Kesselring, formerly of Skye Klad and Satyrswitch. Darkly cosmic the music evokes a sense of eternal twilight creating sonic landscapes of distorted voices, cosmic pulse and hazy drones. Guitar based in composition the sounds range from full blown metalgazer walls of sound to ethereal astral folk.
read more
Added: 10.07.2013
Author: Roger Williamson

June 11 - June 30, 2013
Exhibition Of Svetlana Демкиной 'Swing'
Kseniya Nechitaylo 'On the edge of the centuries'. Painting

In the exhibition halls of the Russian Academy of arts on Prechistenka simultaneously are two exhibitions of modern artists Svetlana Демкиной and Kseniya Nechitaylo. More than 40 works of painting, graphics and ceramics by S. Демкиной reflect the search for the author, the desire to experiment, mixing techniques and genres, to make life... bright positive mood. About 80 works К.Нечитайло opposite convey a sharp response to the author's painful changes in the society, carry a sense of anxiety and tension to life around. read more
Added: 02.07.2013
Author: Artistsarea

8 June - 1 September 2013
Corporate unity. Dutch group portrait of the Golden century from the collection of the Museum Amsterdam

In the Nicholas hall of the Winter Palace opened an exhibition group portraits of the XVI-XVII centuries from the Museum Amsterdam. Presented with twelve large-format songs Amsterdam artists: Dirk Jacobs Говерта Flinck, Nicholas Elias Пикеноя, Bartholomeus van der Хелста and others At the pictures show the Trustees of charitable institutions, Dutch doctors, units of... the city guard. read more
Added: 02.07.2013
Author: Artistsarea

Added a new job my favourite of Picasso

Incredibly changes all the modern interiors and interiors in the mixed style.
Added: 01.07.2013
Author: Agafonova Yuliya Gennad'evna

7 June - September 22, 2013
Gustavs Klucis. The right to experiment

In the State Tretyakov gallery on Krymsky Val opened an exhibition devoted to the avant-garde artist leader of constructivism Gustav Густавовичу Клуцису (1895-1938). The name of the exhibition gave the manuscript Klucis 'Right to experiment' (1920s), reflecting the creative search for the artist's new means of expression, experiments with form and space to create powerful... tools for political campaigning. Presented more than 60 drawings and prints of the late 1910s-1920s, the sketches and drawings show the thoughts of the author, from idea to realization. Many of the presented in the exposition of works are exhibited in Russia for the first time. read more
Added: 26.06.2013
Author: Artistsarea

5 June - 14 July 2013
Maggie Hambling. Wall of water. St. Petersburg

The State Hermitage Museum opened an exhibition of the modern artist UK Maggie Hambling (R. 1945). The main characters of paintings, graphic and sculptural composition - the waves of the sea. Presents a series of monotypes 2011, dedicated to the first execution of Proverbs 'Prodigal son' British composer Benjamin Britten in Russia, in honor... of the celebration of the centenary of the composer. Music of Britten produced a strong impression on the artist in childhood. Works from the series 'Wall of water', glorifying the power and beauty of the North sea, is a tribute to the memory of B. Britten, for which the austere beauty of the ocean served as an inexhaustible source of inspiration. read more
Added: 26.06.2013
Author: Artistsarea

June 1 - August 11, 2013
Romanov's letters. Old believers ' icon painting of Yaroslavl province of XVIII-XIX centuries from the Museum and private collections

Museum and exhibition complex of the Russian Academy of arts in Moscow presents the exhibition dedicated to the art forgotten icon-painting center artists-the old believers in the city Romanov-Borisoglebsk (Tutaev) of the Yaroslavl province. Presented about 70 icons and 20 of the iconic samples from the collections of the Moscow, Yaroslavl, Rybinsk, tutaeva, Cherepovets. The names... of the artists preserved only in some icons: Maxim Fedorovich Архиповский-Agapov (1784-1845), Dmitry Mikhailovich Kozlinsky, Alexey Ivanovich Захариков, but most of the works do not have the signatures, they are United by stylistic proximity to the famous designs. read more
Added: 26.06.2013
Author: Artistsarea

Personal exhibition in the Ivanovo regional art Museum.

Personal exhibition in the Ivanovo regional art Museum New gallery
22 March-11 April 2013
Added: 15.06.2013
Author: Shichkov Vladimir Alekseevich

29 may - 05 August 2013
Mikhail Shemyakin. Sidewalks Of Paris

Russian Museum in the marble Palace is an exhibition of M. Shemyakin. About 200 works made over the last twelve years on the basis of the night of filming on the streets of Paris. By Matt printouts master cleaned up the associative images pastel and ink.
Added: 15.06.2013
Author: Artistsarea

28 may - September 9, 2013
Project «Marius Bauer (1867-1932). Dutch orientalist again in Russia»

In the State Museum of art of the peoples of East, an exhibition of Dutch painter and graphic Marius Bauer. Presents about a hundred works М.Бауэра: more than twenty films, thirty watercolors, fifty prints, and illustrations albums and thumbnails. Of great interest are a few works which he made in Moscow in 1896 during your stay at... the coronation of Nicholas II, as a correspondent for the Dutch magazine «Chronicle». On the basis of sketches, made in Russia, Bauer has created a unique series of paintings, watercolors and etchings, capturing an important historical event. read more
Added: 15.06.2013
Author: Artistsarea

10 June - 22 September 2013
«The pre-Raphaelites: Victorian Avangard»

In the Pushkin Museum to them. A.S. Pushkin will be an exhibition of the pre-Raphaelites. «Brotherhood prerafaelitov» was founded in 1848 as a protest academic arts Victorian England and blind imitation classical models. Dante Gabriel Rossetti, William Holman hunt, John Everett Millais and their adherents took a sample of the aesthetic ideals of the painters of the early... Renaissance «to Raphael»: Perugino, fra Angelico, Giovanni Bellini. The exposition will include over 80 works of painting and applied art from Museum and private collections of the USA and the UK. read more
Added: 13.06.2013
Author: Artistsarea

21 may - 23 June 2013
Exhibition of Gregory Дембовского «Bending line».

Museum and exhibition complex of the Russian Academy of arts Zurab Tsereteli art Gallery represent 60 paintings Gregory Дембовского. In his work dembovs focuses on post-impressionism, the tradition of «World of art» and the experience of artists of the 1960s and 70s. Along with traditional works exhibited a series of abstract paintings the artist.
Added: 13.06.2013
Author: Artistsarea

Exhibition 'Courtyard'. Mikhail Brewers, Olga Sushkova

June 15-30 June in St. Petersburg will take place the exhibition of Mikhail and Olga Pivovarova Ms. Sushkova 'COURTYARD'. The exhibition will be presented paintings and animation. Are waiting at the St-Petersburg, Nevsky, 20, a Centre of art and music LIBRARY to them. Mayakovsky.
Added: 29.05.2013
Author: Sushkova Ol'ga

may 22 - June 17, 2013
Ivan Sorokin (1922-2004). Painting

In the Russian Academy of arts on Prechistenka will take place the exhibition of Ivan Sorokin, the national artist of Russia, academician, laureate of State prize of the RSFSR named. I.e. Repin. И.В.Сорокин continued in his paintings the traditions of the Moscow school of painting. All the creativity of the artist dedicated to... the celebration of the native land, nature, cities and villages. И.В.Сорокин in his paintings depicted the urban landscapes of Moscow, Leningrad, Pskov, Novgorod, Rostov Velikiy, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Suzdal, Sol'vuchegodsk. read more
Added: 25.05.2013
Author: Artistsarea

24 April - September 22, 2013
'Leningrad collection'

The State Museum of history of St. Petersburg exhibited around 300 works of artists of the Leningrad underground second half of the twentieth century from the collection of the State Museum of history of St. Petersburg and a gallery collection 'KGallery', formed on the basis of private collections And. N. Sidorova and G. A. Volkova. At the exhibition in... the Rumyantsev mansion presents works by Leningrad non-conformist artists of the 1960-1990s: A. D. Aref'eva, A. N. Basina, And. P. Belkin, G. With. Bogomolov, A. N. Vasiliev, F. In. Volosenkova, Yu. A. Hot And. With. Zaslavsky, G. G. Zubkov, Yu. K. Lukshina, And. N. Manusov, And. A. Maslova, In. A. Ovchinnikov, V. N. Shagin, M. M. Shemyakin, etc. read more
Added: 25.05.2013
Author: Artistsarea

from 18 April to 1 October 2013
Vasily Nesterenko. 'SIM prevail!'

Vasily Nesterenko. 'SIM prevail!'
The Central Museum of the great Patriotic war on Poklonnaya hill personal exhibition of the national artist of Russia, academician of the Russian Academy of arts VI. Nesterenko. Presented about two hundred works of the artist executed in various techniques, monumental canvases on historical subjects, sketches of the temple paintings. The exhibition,... dedicated to victory Day opens in front of the spectator spiritual shrines of Russia, historical monuments and nature, artistic means artist reveals a succession of traditions of the Russian army. read more
Added: 21.05.2013
Author: Artistsarea

11 April - 23 June 2013
Boris Messerer. Painting, drawing, installation

Boris Messerer. Painting, drawing, installation
The Tretyakov gallery opened an exhibition of Boris Асафовича Messerer (genus. 1933). The exposition is dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the master and represents his versatile creativity as a painter, book graphics, master of etching, theater artist. Collected about 100 paintings and graphic works of 1960-2000s, and installation 2000... - 2010-ies. read more
Added: 21.05.2013
Author: Artistsarea

may 5 - may 24, 2013
«Quiet my native land...» Dmitry Belykin

Anniversary personal exhibition of the national artist of Russia Dmitry belyukin held in the Central exhibition hall «Manezh». Presented about 800 paintings, graphic works and book illustrations, full-scale sketches, preparatory drawings for the paintings, graphic portraits and landscapes of coal. Dmitry Belykin works in the style of Russian classical school of painting. Reviving the traditions of Peredvizhniki of... the XIX century, the exhibition D.A. Belyukin «Quiet my native land...», since 2005, visited the cities of Central Russia, the Volga region, the North, and in Latvia and Ukraine, three times was shown in Moscow. read more
Added: 16.05.2013
Author: Artistsarea

Ekaterina Abramova returned to Moscow with an exhibition in new York

Dear friends.
I gladly returned to Moscow! A lot of interesting things I saw and experienced in new York. Galleries, museums - capture. Creatively new York fills and now his hands are stretching out to the canvas and paints :))) With new impressions and energy continue to work in Moscow.
I will... be glad to meet and chat with you. We can create intention, dream and write it on the canvas. Thus strengthen the realization of your dreams.
The ease and wisdom.

With love,
Ekaterina Abramova.
read more
Added: 15.05.2013
Author: Abramova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna

Mikhail Nesterov

24 April - August 18, 2013
Mikhail Nesterov. In search of his Russia. To the 150 anniversary of the birth of
In the Tretyakov gallery, an exhibition dedicated to the outstanding Russian painter M.. Nesterov (1862-1942). Presents about 300 works from 24 museums and 10 private collections - it easel paintings, sketches for paintings of the... temples, graphic sheets. Specially for the exhibition have been restored many of the works and clarified their Dating. Released Catalog of works of M.. Nesterov from the specified date of some of the paintings. read more
Added: 10.05.2013
Author: Artistsarea

The art of the Russian avant-garde.

23 April - 7 July 2013
The art of the Russian avant-garde. From the collection of the Samara regional art Museum
In the Moscow Museum of modern art presents works by the artists of the «Jack of diamonds» (PP. Konchalovsky, A.. Lentulov and V.V. Christmas), the work of Malevich's circle and students GShM - VKhUTEMAS... the end of 1910 - the beginning of 1920. The basis for the collection of works of avant-garde art of the Samara regional art Museum are works received in 1919-1921 he as training materials from Moscow (O.. Rozanova, KS. Malevich, M.. Le Dante, E.M. Bebutov, etc.). A special place in the exposition occupy the works of 1920 artists - the founders of the Samara VKhUTEMAS S.YA. Adlivankin and N.N. Popova. read more
Added: 10.05.2013
Author: Artistsarea

24 April - June 24, 2013
Hamburg artists from the collection of Hans Mathias

24 April - June 24, 2013
Hamburg artists from the collection of Hans Mathias
In the Russian Museum in the Stroganov Palace an exhibition of German artists. Presents works from the collection of the Hamburg curator Hans Mathias artists-Impressionists the Hamburg art of the late XIX - XX centuries (Franz Нелькен, Arthur Зибелист, Thomas Herbst), and representatives of... the Hamburg secession 1900-1920) (Hans cloot, Karl Опферман, Willem Grimm, Erich Hartmann, etc.). read more
Added: 06.05.2013
Author: Artistsarea

27 March - 10 June 2013
Yuri Рысухин

The Russian Museum in the marble Palace presents personal exhibition of the honoured artist of Russia Yuri Rysukhin. Presented about seventy paintings 1980-2010 years. Yuri Рысухин was born in 1947 in Kazakhstan, he graduated from Krasnodar art College. The artist belongs to a generation of «semidesyatnikov», but his work is in many respects different from his... contemporaries, the paintings are filled with joy and the harmony of the familiar images and plots, bearing the timeless values. The works of Yuri Rysukhin are in the State Tretyakov gallery, the Orenburg regional Museum of fine arts and other museums. read more
Added: 06.05.2013
Author: Artistsarea

Temporary exposition of German and Austrian art of XVII-XVIII centuries from the funds of the Pushkin Museum to them. A.S. Pushkin

March 1 of may 19, 2013
Temporary exposition of German and Austrian art of XVII-XVIII centuries from the funds of the Pushkin Museum to them. A.S. Pushkin
«Pushkin Museum presents paintings of the German and Austrian artists unknown to a wide range of viewers. Attracted by the originality of the work of artists of various epochs and... styles, who experienced the influence of different schools. Exhibited paintings К.Паудис, Б.Деннер, Г.Романдон, М.Пфейлер, И.Г.Роос, А.Пэн, Х.В.Э.Дитрих, А.Д.Тербуш-Лисевская И.Купецкий, Ф.К.К.Палко, И.Г.Платцер, И.Б.Лампи, etc. read more
Added: 06.05.2013
Author: Artistsarea