Doctrine. Vladimir (Lado) Asatiani, 1955,
Painter, Ph.d., Professor image зительного
art at the Tbilisi State Universityе author of paintings and various works on
aesthetics and theory of art.
In 1977 he graduated from the Tbilisi State Academy of Arts.
In 1990 graduated from post-graduate Institute of
Philosophy of the Georgian Academy of Sciences.
In 1991 he defended his thesis on \'Mythological roots of the
art of painting\'. Specialty Aesthetics.
In 1992-2005,
head of the Department of Fine and Applied Arts of the TSU.
2005-2006. - Dean of the faculty of Arts of the TSU.
10 personal exhibitions (painting). Author of 16 scientific works on aesthetics and theory of art and
one of the album \'Maximalism (painting)\' (2013. - Tbilisi).